47: This could get Ugly or not?

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Emery's view

After a few hours, Jordie and I finally made it to our cabin in Mammoth. It took longer than usual to get here because of the small storm coming through. When we got out of the car it was already snowing and a little windy, but the forecast said it would clear through the night.

Jordie and grabbed our stuff out of the car and walked into the cabin. Since I was so tired I jumped on the sofa.

"Wait. Emery, before you take a nap, there is something important I have to tell you," said Jordie hecticly.

"Jordie, it can wait, I'm pretty tired," I told him.

"Hey Jordie, did you just get here......," my eyes widened when I heard Gracen's voice.

"Emery?!?" She said.

I got up from the couch and faced Gracen.

"Hey, Gracen. I didn't know you came too."

She looked at me then at Jordie and Clare and said, "Really you guys. Really."

"Um. So Jordie and I have to go into town to rent some ski stuff. So yeah, we'll be back later," said Clare pushing Jordie out the door.

I sighed before turning to Gracen and saying, "Well, we do have to talk about us."

"I don't exactly feel like talking. But if you do, go ahead and call that cute friend of yours," she told me.

"Cute friend? What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Your girlfriend. The one you kissed the other day at Starbucks," she answered back.

"I don't have a girlfriend. Wait, your talking about Emma?"

"Are you sure you two aren't together, because that kiss looked pretty convincing," she told me.

"Gracen, she's not my girlfriend. She kissed me, but I stopped her, didn't you see that," I asked her.

"No, I left," she replied.

"Gracen, I'm not with her,"

"Why not? I thought you were moving on?" She asked.

"I can't. I'm still not over someone and I don't want to be," I replied.

She looked with a gleamer of hope in her eyes, but then she looked away from me.

"I don't know if I really believe you though," she said.

Before I could say anything else, there was a emergency broadcast on the tv.

"Hello everybody, I hope you are all warm and safe in your homes now. The small storm has just been updated to a full blizzard and at the moment we are not sure how long it will last. Please stay indoors and keep warm," said the weatherman.

"Oh no, we have to call Clare and Jordie to check how they are doing," Gracen said worridly.

I tried dialing Clare and she tried dialing Jordie, but there was no service probably due to the storm. But I remembered that Jordie and i bought emergency walkie talkies for this trip. So I ran to my bags and took it out and tried to communicate with Jordie. After a few minutes of static, Jordie's voice came on.

"Hey guys. Are you both okay?" He asked.

"Yeah we are. We are both still in the cabin. Are you and Clare okay? Can you guys make it back?" I asked back.

"We are okay too. But, the storm came in pretty fast and everyone in the ski stores were evacuated to hotels. We have to stay here for the night and probably tomorrow to. The advisors told us to call you and make sure you guys stay indoor and make a fire and keep warm. You will be safe in the cabin," Jordie told us.

"Okay. Don't worry about us. We will keep warm and be safe. Goodnight Jordie."

"It's going to be a long and cold night," commented Gracen.

I could see the worry in her face, so I tried reassuring her by grabbing her hand and saying, " Hey, we are going to be fine. Okay. I'm here with you."


Clare's view

I dragged Jordie out of that cabin to give Emery and Gracen space because I knew things were about to go down with them.

"You know, I don't know if this was actually a good idea anymore," I told Jordie.

"Same. Either things will get ugly or they will make up. Oh god, I hope they make up," replied Jordie.

When we got to the ski shop we went to show the manager our receipt for the rentals when the emergency broadcast went on. Then we were advised to go to the ski hotel next door instead of driving back to the cabin in this powerful storm.

We were worried about the others and after a while, Jordie was finally able to contact them on the emergency walkie talkies. After we told them the information the managers told us we went to our hotel room for the night.

"I'm worried about the Jordie," I said.

"Me too. But I know they will be okay. I'm just worried that they won't be able to stand being alone together for 2 days," Jordie replied.

"Well, we'll find out when we can go back," I replied back.

"Hopefully they get on good terms, wouldn't want them to strangle each other," I added.

I wished for the best for my two friends and then layed in bed and soon after I was fast asleep.


Author note: I can't believe my book is coming to an end soon. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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