48: I love who you are

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Gracen's view

I started the fire to help warm up the cabin faster. Then I went into the small kitchen and found Emery making hot chocolate for us. Aww, I miss how sweet she is.

"Here you go Gracen. This ought to help keep us warm," she said.

I thanked her and gladly took it. Then we sat down on the couch looking at the fire. Unfortunately the storm took out the electricity so watching TV was out of the question.

"How's your family doing? Has Skyler learned how to ride a skateboard yet?" She asked me.

"They are good. We'll, he is still learning, but he mostly just falls a lot," I said laughing.

She smiled at me and start laughing too. God, I've missed her smile so much, it always brightens everything up for me.

"No broken bones right?" She asked.

"Nope, not yet. But my dad's getting prepared," I replied.

"Well it's better to be safer than sorry," she said.

"How are you Gracen?" She suddenly asks.

"Well I'm doing good."

"Gracen, tell me the truth. How are you really?" Emery asks me.

"Fine...well, maybe not really. I haven't exactly gotten accustomed to life after high school. And I guess everyone thought I would, but I'm not, I'm not perfect like everyone thinks I am," I told her.

Emery got up and sat down beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Hey, being perfect is a lie people chose to believe in to stay in their disillusioned bubble of a utopian life. No one is perfect and that's the truth. I don't care if you are perfect or not, it's not the reason I fell in love with you." She said.

I looked straight at her and my heart soften and ached to hold her closer to me with each word she said.

"Gracen, I love you because you're real. Because you're compassionate and uplifting and absolutely beautiful inside and out. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that you are the world to me. I love you with everything I have," she said.

I couldn't help but tear up a little and I pulled her closer to me so I could kiss her passionately. Finally kissing her felt like I was done holding my breath for the longest time. It felt natural and like fireworks. We kept pulling each other as close as we could and we continued kissing and cuddling.

Emery's view

In that moment I saw Gracen in so much pain and it tore at my heart to see her like that. She was everything to me and all I wanted was to make her so happy.

So I decided there and then to tell her exactly what she means to me. I told her exactly how much I love her and it was the most amazing feeling to say all this to her.

Then when she grabbed me and kissed me it felt like I was finally living instead of just existing in this world again.

We just kissed and cuddled for hours and in this small amount of time I was at pure peace and bliss.

I pulled back a strand of hair from her face and I lovingly looked at her and couldn't help but kiss her again passionately.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and broke away from the kiss to say, "I love you so much."

I smiled and kissed her again and she got on top of me and took off her shirt. Then she leaned down to kiss me and helped me take off my shirt.

I flipped on top of her and deeply kissed her as I helped her get out of her pants and I kissed her neck and sucked it. She moaned and I kissed down her neck and helped take off her bra.

After many kisses and moans we finally got all or clothes off.

"There's finally nothing getting in the way," Gracen said.

"We have the storm to thank for that," I replied.

She laughed and caressed my cheek and said, " I've never met someone like you and now that I have, I never want to let you go. I love you now and forever."

After that she flipped on top of me again and kissed me and I could feel all the love in that kiss. And we had a lot of fun that night, several fun times. And it was one of the best days of my life. After a while we fell asleep in each other's embraces. It didnt matter that there was a blizzard outside, all that mattered was her being beside me. So, I guess we'll just deal with all that snow tomorrow.

Author note

Just 1 chapter left guys.

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