32: Love?

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Emery's view

A few weeks have passed and I feel like I'm becoming free. Life is less stressful and seeing Liam in the hallways doesn't hurt anymore. I can feel the pressure lifting off of me and it's the best.

I'm taken out of my thoughts by a hands wrapping around my waist. I turn around and smile before pulling Gracey closer to me and kissing her gently.

"Hey babe." She says before giving me another quick kiss.

"Hmm babe? I like it." I giggle and hug her tightly.

We then walk hand and hand to our classes. So far everything has been going really good between us. Grace is so amazing and I couldn't have ever imagined having such a beautiful girlfriend.

After school, we head to my house and decide to just cuddle in bed. Of course we kiss a lot. After a make out session I lay in her arms looking up at her. She gently caresses my cheek while giving me an adorable smile. I can't help but smile back and my heart starts beating really fast because Gracen never seizes to give me butterflies. We stare at each other a little longer until she says,

"I love you Emery"

My heart just about exploded when she said that. I smiled and pulled her closer and gave her a passionate kiss. When we break away I blush and hide my face in the crook of her neck.


Gracen's view

I couldn't believe I finally said those three words to her. I've wanted to say it for a few days, but couldn't decide when. But kissing and cuddling with her was so relaxing and being with her makes me so happy and I had to say it.

After a while of kissing she breaks away to look at me and says,

"I have no idea how I was so lucky to meet you. Thank you for making my life brighter and I love you too Gracen"

I just about melted when I heard her say that. Damn this girl is just too darn adorable. I immediately kissed her and then we cuddled for the rest of the afternoon. I'm so in love with her and I've never felt this way. I'm sure everyone says that about a relationship, but I'm serious. I've had two past serious relationships and I never felt more bliss or understood by anyone but Emery. With her I feel like I'm living instead of just following life. It's everything that my parents always described when you meet the person who actually 100% love wholeheartedly. I hope everyone feels this love one day because it's amazing and everyone deserves this.

Author note: sorry for the short chapter and long delay. I've been going through a rough patch, but with this week off I will write more.

Also follow me on my Instagram @writing_fromthe_heart for funny memes and story updates. Or dm me any fanart or edits of my story and I will post them with credits.

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