33: Not Yet

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Emery's view

On my way to Gracen's house, I picked up her favorite flowers and candy because why the heck not. She's special to me and I want to make her happy.

She welcomes me into her home and immediately pulls me in for a sweet kiss.

"Hmm what's in the bag Em?"

"It's a sur......," I couldn't finish because she grabbed the bag and took out the flowers in candy. Then she gave me this adorable smile before asking closer to give me another kiss.

"You're the sweetest. But a bit of a hopeless romantic, but that's why I love you," She whispers in my ear before kissing me again.

Then we sit on the couch and just watch Netflix and eat a bunch of candy for a while.


Gracen's view

I can't help but glance at her so much during the TV show. She looks adorable and hot and my heart can't take it. I just want to keep kissing her, but she's distracted with the show. So I decide to play around a bit.

I lay my head on her shoulder and cuddle closer to her. She gives me a cute smile and kisses my cheek, but then focuses on the show again. I swear she can be obvious for most of the time.

So I decide what the heck and start kissing her neck. She stiffens up a little from the sudden move I make, but then relaxes. I continue to kiss up her neck then kiss her jaw. I can tell she enjoys it because she closes her eyes.

I make my way to her lips and kiss her. This kiss is a bit different because it gets a little heated. We full on make out and I change my position so I'm sitting in her lap. She breaks away to caress my cheek and look at me with loving eyes. Then I pull her back in for another kiss and my hands make their way around her waist. I slowly lift her shirt up a little, and then Emery immediately breaks away from our kiss.

"Ummm...Look, A good part is happening,.......... we should watch it," She blurts out.

I'm so taken aback by this and I just scoot of off her and watch the show. Though the entire time I'm thinking what the heck just happened.


Emery's view

I'm so mortified at what just happened. Of course, I just had to freaking freak out because she lightly brushed her fingers near my scar. That must have been the most awkward way to react to our heated make out session. She's probably thinking I'm so weird now. Crap. I'm so embarrassed; I probably look like a tomato. What the heck am I supposed to do now?!

"Um, Em, are you ok? You look a bit pale and anxious?"

"..wwhoo. Me? Oh, no, I'm as perfect as I can perfectly be," I reply.

Oh my god, I need to remind myself to face palm for that later. Why the heck did I stutter so much?

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah. Don't worry," I reply.

Well this is going to be an interesting evening.


Gracen's view

Okay. So Emery is really starting to freak me out. She is acting different and distant now. Did I overstep a boundary? Omg, I did, didn't I? Crap, I don't know? What do I do now?

After a while Emery goes into my kitchen to get water and after a few second I follow.

"Emery, did I do something wrong?"

"No of course not, Gracen,"

"Then what's wrong? You're acting differently from earlier. Was it the make out? Was it too much?" I asked concerned.

"No, well yeah, wait no...... I mean, well, ummm.... it's just that you almost touched a scar when you tried to lift my shirt up slightly. I just, I don't know, got self-conscious of the scars," She replied.

I walked closer to her and caressed her cheek, before saying,

"Emery, I love you. I love everything about you, scars included. The scars show me how much of a fighter you are and you look absolutely beautiful with them. Don't ever be ashamed, it's not your fault for them, so please don't be self-conscious about it."

Then I kissed her. This kiss was nothing like before; this kiss was to reassure her that I love her no matter what. Then we cuddled a bit more until she had to leave.

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