43: College

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Gracen's view

It's been officially two and a half months since graduation. And I'm still stuck at home in my bed.

"Gracen, honey, you need to get out," said my dad.

I bolted upright in bed and looked at him in disbelief. Was he kicking me out of the house?

"Oh, I meant like out of bed," he said chuckling.

"Gracen, you need to start getting ready for college in 3 weeks. When we agreed not to make you start college in the summer, we didn't expect you to lie in bed all day," added my mom.

"Okay okay. I'm up. I'll go out."

"That's the spirit Gracen," said my dad.

After they left, I hauled myself out of bed which was so hard. I put clothes on and texted Jordie and Clare to meet up. They decided not to start college in the summer either.


Jordie's view

I walked into the coffee shop and immediately saw Clare, so I walked over to her and gave her a hug before sitting down.

We talked a bit about what we did in the last two weeks. I haven't seen her or Gracen that much because I got a job. Sadly, I haven't talked to Emery in such a long time and I miss my buddy.

Clare went to buy a coffee and I stared off into space. I noticed a cute guy walked by and my mind went immediately to Ethan. God, I missed him so much. I can't forget his adorable eyes or the spark he gave me every time we kissed.

"Thinking about him," Asked Clare as she sat down.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"You know he probably misses you just as much. But you know how protective he is of his family," added Clare.

"I know. I just feel so bad for what we did to Emery. No wonder Ethan isn't talking to me now."

"I'm sorry Jordie," said Gracen as she sat down with us.

"I shouldn't have come to you guys. I should have told Emery right when I found out, "said Gracen.

"No, it's on all of us equally. We all made the choice together," said Clare.

"Maybe, we can all work together to make it up to Emery then," I added.

"Not a bad idea. Let's start thinking of ways to do it then," said Gracen.


Emery's view

Almost done with my summer college classes. And let me be honest, the college classes are so much easier than high school AP classes. In college, you don't really have homework, you just need to read and pay attention for the tests. This is why I've been doing pretty well.

I just turned in my second to last test and got my stuff and headed out to meet Aiden when his class finishes.

Walking away, I suddenly heard my name and I turned around to see Emma. We've been in a couple of homework and project groups together with others. She's really nice and smart.

"Hey Emery. So what did you think of the test?" she asked me.

"It was easy, except for the short thermodynamics section. I'm not really good when it comes to that."

"Hey, if you ever need help, just ask me. That's one of my favorite topics in Chemistry," she said.

"Wow, thanks. That would help me out so much."

"Hey no problem. Actually, I'm free this Saturday. Do you want to meet up in the morning at Starbucks to study? Then we could hang out afterwards," she said.

"Yes, thank you. I really need to study for the next test and I'm sure it would be fun."

"Okay, see ya then. Bye Emery," she said walking away.

I turned to walk right into Aiden.

"How do you end up with all the cute girls asking you out?" He questioned.

"Ask out? No, she's going to help me study for the final," I replied.

"No, I'm pretty sure that was a date," he said.

"You're wrong Aiden," I said nodding my head.

"Yes it was. Hanging out after is the date part, duhh. Plus, she even winked at you!" He added.

"She winked at me?" I asked dumbfounded.

Aiden face palmed and then told me yes.

"Aiden, I don't want to be in a date or in a relationship. It's just studying," I repeated.

"Study date," he mumbled.

Of course I punched him and denied it. Sure, Emma was pretty, but I don't want anything with anyone. I'm not over Gracen at all.

I just really hope that Saturday is not a date and if it is, I have to think of a way to tell Emma that I'm not looking for a relationship. Hopefully she understands, because I do what to be friends with her.

Author note: hope everyone is having a great day.

Follow my photography Instagram account @les_photograph and my Tumblr account teddy_wesley

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