Chapter 14

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(Tyler's POV)

I helped my mom with dishes, and Josh asked to stay the night and of course my parents said yeah.

He went home to grab some clothes and my parents wanted to talk to me. Like always...

"You and Josh..." My mom started with a smile, I looked at her. "Couldn't help but notice you both were smiling and lightly laughing at the dinner table" I let a giggle out

"Yeah and?" I looked at her, "are you too?" I didn't answer not sure if Josh would be comfortable with them knowing. So I said no, we are just friends.

"Okay" she said as Josh came in the room. He had his backpack and I went and pulled him down into the basement. "Why are you going to the basement?" My dad yelled. I didn't answer but I shut the door and Josh was already down.

"Why are we down here? It's so dark" I turned on the light revealingly the bed I made us. "I found a projected and a stack of movies" I told him as he sat his stuff down.

"Does it work?" He asked taking a look at it. He plugged it in and sat boxes on boxes, than sat the projected on it. "Yep" I said popping the 'p'

"What do you want to watch?" He asked I pulled out finding nemo" he smiled "I like this movie" we ended up playing it. I for one didn't feel well, I had to go get a puke bucket with the help of josh.

"Here sit down" he told me it was mid-night and I have keep my food down this long. I pointed him in the direction of the buckets. "Hey" Zack said coming into the kitchen.

"Hi" I breath over the bucket Josh handed me. "At least you held it down for 7 hours" I laughed than puked. Josh make circles on my back.

I puked again and I started to breath weird. My puke was red, blood red. "Go get dad" I told Zack panicking. Zack ran up stairs, blood was dripping from my mouth. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what was happening. "Calm down, breath for me" Josh said he was freaking out as well.

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