Chapter 1

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"Morning Olivia." Carlos said with a big smile standing in her doorway.
"What are you talking about Carlos? Did you hit your head or something you just said goodnight a few minutes ago." Olivia said looking up at her younger brother with a scowl.
Carlos walked over to his blonde haired, green eyed sister and looked over her shoulder, "You've been up all night again working on this haven't you?"
Olivia got up from her desk, went to her door and walked, Carlos trailing behind.
"I better start breakfast for you guys than since your always the first one up." Olivia went towards the door to the kitchen knowing everyone else was still asleep due to the deathly quiet that enveloped the house. If Sophie and Lola were up it would be a whole lot louder.
"Olivia!" As if on cue her twin sisters ran into the kitchen with their husbands, Jack and Carter, trailing behind them. You'd think from how they looked they wouldn't be so hyperactive but they've always been this way. With their identical long black curly hair and tan skin it was hard to tell them apart except Sophie had brown eyes and Lola had blue eyes.
"How'd you sleep sis?!" Lola asked with a mouthful of pancake.
"Lola manners!" Carter whispered harshly at his wife.
Everyone was surprised when Lola said she and Carter were engaged she was always so impulsive and energetic and he was always so not.
"It's fine Carter, I actually didn't sleep I was to busy working on my next project."
Sophie spoke up next, "You know it's not to healthy to stay up so much," she paused, "this is the third night in a row."
Olivia looked down at her plate, it wasn't her fault she would just lose track of time that's all.
Carlos and Olivia were washing the dishes when Carlos spoke up, "You know Sophie is right, you need to get some sleep." His blue eyes showed he truly cared for Olivia's wellbeing.
"I'm fine Carlos really but if I don't get this project done by next week you know what'll happen?!" Carlos stayed quiet but shook his head no in reply. "We'll lose the house and you know I won't let that happen!" Olivia finished the last dish and began to finish up cleaning the kitchen humming a little tune. That's all she ever seemed to do, she never did anything for herself, she would take care of everyone else before herself.
She went back to wiping the counter, "I'm not telling you to stop I'm telling you to slow down! We're all worried about you Olivia!" Carlos yelled his hands in fists.
"Carlos I don't have the luxury to slow down." Olivia scowled at her brother. "Do you want to lose the house?!"
Carlos stood their in silence he then looked down and said, "If dad were to walk through that door what would you do?!" Olivia stood their stunned by his words. No one every spoke of their father for he wasn't the kind that everyone loved.
"Why do want to know!"
Olivia was ready to blow and Carlos knew it. He knew he could use her fragile state to knock some sense into her.  "I'm just asking because I know you would never be able to fight back like you used to! I guarantee you would lose!" Carlos saw her face she would be done and blown in no time.
"I would fight him Carlos and I would win!" Olivia screamed at him.
"Who would you fight Olivia? Jinx.. Double Jinx!" Sophie and Lola said as they came into the kitchen dressed and ready for the day out they had planned for the whole family.
Olivia's whole facial expression changed and she sighed, "No one girls Carlos and I were just messing around. Weren't we Carlos?!" She gave him a pleading look she didn't want to tell them the real reason as to why they were bickering.
"Yeah we were just messing around let's go have some fun! You coming Olivia?" He looked at her from the doorway.
Olivia sighed a responded, "Yeah just let me go get changed. So where are we going today in the city we've toured a thousand times?" Olivia sarcastically asked.
Sophie and Lola exchanged looks and started laughing.
"What's so funny guys?" Olivia asked when Carlos joined in with the twins laughing fit. Olivia's face turned as red as blood.
"Sorry Liv... but we just find it funny... that you said toured because... we've toured a lot of cities... in our old band days." Carlos said between fits of laughter.
"Oh... Oh!" Olivia began to laugh along with her siblings realizing why they were laughing. As everyone was walking Olivia spotted 5 adults with a child walking down the street. Each of them had some form of hat or hoodie and a pair of sunglasses. "What do you think is up with them?" Olivia questions pointing over to the group of people.
"Who knows Liv let's just get to the restaurant." Carlos said with a shrug.
Just as they started walking again there was a young girl who was screaming, "It's them it's them!! It's RWBY!" She was pointing at the people in hoods and hats. Soon tons of people were bombarding them for autographs and taking pictures.
"Should we do something?" Jack asked looking concerned for the people.
It started getting out of control and Olivia saw that the little girl had started to cry. "Guys let's go break this up." Olivia said and everyone else nodded in agreement. They all headed over to the commotion and started to break it up. Olivia went and kneeled next to the little girl trying to comfort her with the help of her niece Casey.
Once the guys broke up the mob Carlos, with his wife Lisa by his side, went up to the people. "Who are you guys?" Carlos asked and Lisa added, "and what was with the mob?"

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