Chapter 12

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"You guys look exactly like your mother." Ryan said looking back and forth in between the twins and the first page of pictures.
"Yeah it's a blessing and a curse." Lola said her eyes downcast.
"How long have you had this?"
"Um about ten years. Mom quit adding to it after dad died." Sophie answered then added, "We started adding things to it ourselves after mom would get pictures we'd ask for some smaller ones. It goes all the way up until Casey was born 3 years ago."
They were all on the couch and Lola flipped the pages and commented, "That's when Olivia was born and this is the last photo of us as a family it was a couple weeks before our first birthday."
"Olivia looks so happy, I don't think I've ever seen her that happy." Ryan said looking at the picture of a young 6 year old Olivia with her parents and younger siblings.
"She never has been ever since the divorce. When they both died it didn't help her situation either. I guess you could call us the children of a whiskey lullaby. How about I show you one of our favorite pictures?" Sophie said flipping page after page until landing upon a more recent photo.
"Whose the guy next to Olivia?" Ryan looked at the tall blonde haired guy in the picture.
"Oh that's her old boyfriend Jackson, that's the happiest picture we have of her since that other picture. She thought he was the one and you know what he did to her, you saw the results." Lola concluded and decided to say a little more, "so word of advice don't screw this up." Sophie closed the book and they both left him there to sit in silence until he heard a car pull up to the house.
The door opened and in strolled Carlos with Olivia not far behind. Her eyes looked as though she had been crying and tear stains marked her cheek. "Olivia are you ok? Where did you go? I've been looking for you. Have you been crying?" Ryan should the concern and worry all very obvious in his voice.
"I'm fine Ryan Carlos just wanted to take me out and talk, we used to do it all the time, I just got a little emotional that's all." Olivia said embracing Ryan in a hug which he gladly returned.
"Oh I wanted to tell you Lea may be back around our wedding day so my mom and sister will be there as well isn't that exciting!" Olivia looked at him, she wanted so badly to happy for him but at the same time she wasn't. Her siblings never got to have either of their parents attend their weddings and neither would she. "Liv you ok?" Ryan asked snapping her back into reality.
"Yeah I'm fine, that's great news. So have you told them your getting married." 
"No I just think it's impolite to tell them over the phone and my mom would hate to learn over a letter. I may have to head up there for a couple weeks." Ryan grimaced trying to show he didn't like the idea as much as Olivia didn't like it.
"You can't leave, we've got the wedding in six months and tour a month after that." Olivia's desperation eminent in her voice.
"I know but if I don't it will just put more stress into the mix. It's just for a couple weeks and then I'll be back." Ryan lifted her chin so she'd look him in the eye.
"I know, I'll just miss you." She avoided looking straight into his eyes.
"Hey I'm coming back I promise, two weeks at the most."
"Okay, get back soon." Olivia's voice cracked, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Ryan kissed her forehead, went upstairs and packed a bag. Olivia followed him upstairs and leaned against the doorway to his room. He chuckled as he threw a few things in his suitcase.
"It looks like someone already misses me." The sarcastic nature eminent in his voice as he continued to pack.
"I just don't like the thought of you leaving," mumbling under her breath she continued, "he said the same exact thing when he left me."
"Liv look it's just for a couple weeks and I'll be right back here, waiting to hold you in my arms." Ryan embraced her in a soft hug and let her hold him, taking in the scent of her perfume, not wanting to leave her alone.
"Just get back as soon as you can alright?" She demanded even though it sounded more like a question.
"Alright, two weeks and I'll be back." Finally agreeing she helped him finish packing and drove him to the airport.
"See you in two weeks!" She called out as he went to board his plane.

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