Chapter 5

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"What are you doing with my keys?!" Olivia questioned Ryan as she walked closer to him and the bike.
"I wanted to talk to you and stealing your keys was my best option." Ryan said pouting as he continued, "your not mad at me again are you? I was really hoping you'd join me for dinner sometime?"
Why of all people did he have to be so persistent. "I've got a lot to do this week, now give me my keys!"
She reached for the keys but he pulled them away. "Come on Liv it's just dinner."
"If I say yes will you give me my keys back?"
Ryan smiled cheekily. "So you'll go out to dinner with me tomorrow?"
"Ok fine, yes I'll go to dinner with you tomorrow night. Now can I have the keys?"
Happy Ryan handed her the keys and pecked her cheek. "See you tomorrow night beautiful!" He yelled as he ran down the street.
"What did I just get myself into?" Olivia said just standing there confused.
After the short ride home Olivia parked the bike in the shed and entered the house. "Hello anyone home?" Olivia walked into the house throwing her bag on the couch and collapsing on it.
Olivia jumped with a scream, "What the crap is this you guys? You gave me a heart attack!"
They all exchanged looks and Carlos responded, "Happy Birthday Liv." Olivia looked at her surroundings so this is what the girls had been up to today.
"I can't believe I forgot my own birthday? How old am I again?" Olivia question sarcastically.
"Twenty-six!" Little Casey stared up at Olivia with a small present in her lap. She puts it on Olivia's lap and Olivia starts to open it.
She gasps and looks at everyone, "We all thought about it and we wanted to do something special for you so we talked to RWBY and we get to be an opening act for their next tour." Carlos said looking at Olivia's surprised face.
Olivia jumped up and sprung on her little brother giving him a hug,"best present ever!"
They continued to have fun all night until it was time for them to get to bed they all had a busy day tomorrow.
"Goodnight guys!" Olivia said as she entered her room.
"Goodnight!" Everyone yelled in unison.
Olivia put on her favorite purple pair of silk pjs and hoped in bed. "Today has been a good day." Olivia sighed and drifted off to sleep. Olivia woke up the next morning to the alarm clock in her phone beeping. "Turn it off! Seriously I never set an alarm!" She grabbed her phone and turned it off and looked at the time, "It's six o'clock! Why did someone set an alarm for six in the morning?"
"Come on sleepy head!" Her twins sisters both jumped on her bed startling her awake. "Come on we gotta get to the recording studio!" Lola pulled on her arms while Sophie tried to push her up.
"No what are you talking about we haven't recorded since we quite after our 4th album last year!"
Carlos walked in the room and chuckled, "I got a call from RWBY last night right before I went to bed and they changed their minds about us opening for their new albums tour. Instead they want us to collaborate with them on their album."
Olivia jumped out of bed knocking Lola and Sophie over in the process. "Are you serious?!" Olivia questioned Carlos with a wide grin.
"Cross my heart and hope to fly." Carlos said before Olivia gave him a bone crushing hug and ushered them out of her room so she could change. After she threw in some comfy yet fashionable clothes and grabbed her phone. Everyone began to walk out and head for the car when her phone rang, showing Ryan's contact.
"You guys go ahead I'll take the bike." With that they closed the door and headed out as she answered the phone, "Hello?"
"Hey Liv you on your way to the studio, I was hoping maybe we could grab lunch after recording instead of dinner."
"Well I will have my bike so it'll work I guess?"
"Ok see you when you get here!" He sounded so happy she wondered why she never let herself get attached to a guy ever since he left her.
When she got there everyone was talking about what the would record for this album. "I would want you guys to do an older song or two!" Yara exclaimed so excited they were going to work together.
"What do you think of doing a new piece with all of us?" Carlos was looking at Olivia with a smile, "Olivia was writing a piece I think would work really well that we never used."
"That would be really cool!" Reese said excited as well.
"Liv you brought your song book right?" Carlos said pointing at her as she reached into her bag.
"Got it." She pulled out the large notebook and turned towards the back, "I'll go make some copies." She left the room and went to copy the song for everyone. "Ok here you go." She handed each person and copy and everyone looked it over.
"I think you should sing the female lead Olivia!" Yara and Reese exclaimed in unison.
"Well who's going to sing the guys parts there's three of them?"
"Well I'd say Ryan, Blake, and Carlos." Lola said smiling, "The rest of us can compose the instrumentals. Although whose going to play drums me or Yara?"
"How about we both do it this drum part is kinda tricky. Alright let's record this!" Yara exclaimed with excitement.

(Open song)
🎶 Ryan: It feels like a perfect night
To dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our accents, oh, oh!
It feels like a perfect night
For breakfast in midnight
To fall in love with stranger oh, oh, oh, oh!

Yeah, we're happy free, confused and lonely at the same time
It's miserable and magical, oh yeah!
Tonight is the night when we forget about the deadlines
It's time!

Oh, oh, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!
Olivia: You don't know about me, but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright;
Ryan and Olivia: We just keep dancing like we're 22
Yeah, 22, oh, oh!
Yeah, 22, oh, oh!

Blake: It seems like one of those nights, this place is too crowded
Too many cool kids, oh, oh, oh
It seems like one of those nights we ditched the whole scene
And end up dreaming instead of sleeping, yeah!

Yeah, we're happy free, confused and lonely in the best way
It's miserable and magical, oh yeah!
Tonight is the night when we forget about the heartbreaks
It's time!

Oh, oh, Olivia: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!
Blake: You don't know about me, but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright;
We just keep dancing like we're 22
Blake and Olivia: Yeah, 22, oh, oh!
Yeah, 22, oh, oh!

Carlos: It feels like one of those nights
We'll ditch the car scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news
I gotta have you, I gotta have you!

Ryan: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!
Ryan and Blake: You don't know about me, but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright;
We just keep dancing like we're 22
Everybody:Yeah, 22, oh, oh!
Yeah, 22, oh, oh!

It feels like one of those nights
It feels like one of those nights
Blake: You're a picture perfect
Everybody: It feels like one of those nights
Blake: We won't be sleeping
Everybody: It feels like one of those nights
Blake: You look like bad news
I gotta have you, I gotta have you! 🎶

"That was awesome!" Reese screamed still hyped up from the song.
Winston smiled at his wife and looked around at everybody, "I think this will be a great partnership." Everyone nodded in agreement and began talking about what they'd do next.

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