Chapter 9

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"Why would you guys think I'd ever leave you? What happened to family till the end?" Olivia stood looking shocked at her sisters' confession. They looked at each other nervously and nodded at each other. Lola put her hand out palm facing down, and Sophie followed suit and placed her hand on top of Lola's. Olivia smiled, "I can't put my hand there without Carlos it's always been the four of us."
"It always will be." Carlos put his hand on top of Sophie's and looked at Olivia.
"All for one!" Olivia screamed.
"And one for all!" Everyone screamed along with the four siblings.
"Why'd you all join in?" Lola asked. 
Ryan answered, "Like it or not we all are about to become family and family looks out for each other." Olivia ran over to Ryan and everyone figured out sleeping arrangements since they'd probably need them soon. "So I'll see you in the morning?" Ryan kissed her forehead and went to his temporary room.
It was raining outside when everyone woke up the next morning. Even with the gloomy weather outside the whole house was bustling with busy movement. "Lola do you have my red tshirt that we wear to concerts and interviews?!" Sophie yelled from her room.
"No! Wait, yes here it is I must have gotten both of them last time we did laundry." The shirt was tossed from Lola to Sophie across the hall.
"Lisa do you know where my black tie is?" Everyone was yelling at each other trying to find clothing and trying to eat something before they had to leave.
"Where's Ryan?" Olivia asked and everyone either answered with a shrug or said they hadn't seen him all morning.
Everyone was just about ready when Lola and Yara yelled out in unison, "Pancakes!" They ran downstairs and on the table there was pancakes, eggs, bacon, syrup, butter and milk.
"Where did all this come from?" Olivia asked when she heard the kitchen door open. In walked Ryan carrying a pitcher of orange juice.
"Morning everyone. Let's eat!" Ryan said fully dressed and ready to go.
"Babe this is where you been all morning?" Olivia hooked her arm in his as she asked him.
"Yeah I mean it's usually Winter's job but since she woke up sick this morning I told her not to worry about it."
"Angel you've got some wings baby." Olivia said smugly and sat down to eat quickly.
"Alright so we are going to perform caffeine before we introduce you guys and then what are we going to perform? It needs to be amazing." Reese said with a gleam in her eye.
"I've got an idea." Carlos said with a mischievous grin.
"Welcome to 'Good Morning Cittu' I'm your host Macy Kitt! Today we have a special treat for you, we have the number one band as of right now RWBY!" That was their cue to walk on stage and sit down on the couch. "So Ryan as lead singer and biggest bachelor in Cittu what can we expect from your new cd?"
"Well," Ryan began, "we are having tons of cool music on this cd and a special surprise as we will announce after of performance."
"Well if that's the case who's ready to hear their song?!" In answer the crowd hooted and hollered at her, "All righty them please welcome RWBY to the stage!"

🎶 Winston: Listen up strap in notify your next of kin
You're about to take a ride a little on the blazing side
Guzzle down your red bull you're gonna need a bucket full
You're watching me accelerate and tear apart the interstate.

A certified monster I'm an absolute trip
Like Otis Redding hard to handle so you better get a grip
A super-fast superfly bonafide wise guy
Call the morgue and say goodbye write your will it's time to die.

Caffeine! I'm caffeine.
Caffeine! I'm caffeine.

I'm a bad dream.
I'm a rad scene.
I'm a tad mean.
But I'm not afraid to take you out.

Reese: I'm a cheetah on the plains I'm the highway star
A supersonic princess in a million dollar car
Blood on fire pumping through my veins
Weaving in and out while I'm bolting through the lanes

I'm hyperdrive overdrive hit the gas at fifty-five
Breakneck trainwreck in my presence genuflect
Track-roundin' speed-a-soundin' electrifyin' pulse-poundin'

Heart-pumpin' brain-thumpin' watch me get the party jumpin'.
Caffeine, I'm caffeine.

Caffeine, I'm caffeine.
I'm a bad dream.
I'm a rad scene.
I'm a tad mean.

But I'm not afraid to take you out.
Ryan: Yo listen up, I hope you like it hot.
Grab yourself a mug, cause I made a fresh pot.
Come and get a dose of my kick butt java.

Fuelin' your addiction with this thick black lava.
We can do up an espresso, or the cappuccino way.
Sure to get your fix, venti or grande.
Sugar, Splenda, Equal, maybe Sweet'N Low.
Everybody's happy when they hanging with Joe, let's go.
Caffeine, I'm caffeine.
Caffeine, I'm caffeine.
I'm a bad dream.
I'm a rad scene.
I'm a tad mean.
But I'm not afraid to take you out.🎶

With the last words sang the whole crowd roared with applause. "Thank you!" Ryan yelled through his mike. "Now who here wants to hear some special news?" The whole crowd continued to clap and scream. "Alright I'll tell you. Recently we met some awesome people and now we've become such great friends we have decided to all join together and create on big band. We are now the RWBY Roses! Come on out guys!" The band threw off their over shirts witch reviled their now band shirts that said the RWBY Roses. "Now who's ready to have some fun?!" Ryan yelled.

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