Chapter 6

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"We'll I think we've got a lot done today. What do you guys think, should we call it day?" Everyone nodded and a couple mumbled a yes. "Let's all head to our place we can all eat lunch together!" Lola suggested happy to have someone else for company instead of just family.
Everyone but Ryan and Olivia were agreeing with her. "Carlos, I've got some business to take care of I'm going to have to be home after lunch." She whispered in his ear and he nodded his head knowing his sister could be very busy.
As they all headed to the Cameron's home Ryan pulled Blake aside and whispered that he had a lunch date with someone today. "You understand right?"
"Yeah it's fine go on ahead just head home when your done." Blake smirked as Ryan headed up the street.
"Where's he going?" Yara asked seeing her husbands smirk.
"Who knows. Let's just go eat."
"Well look who finally showed up, you get lost or something?" Olivia said snippily.
"No! I just had to tell my roommates I was going somewhere else."
"Let's just go!" She said clipping on her helmet and tossing him one. He put his on and hopped on the bike behind her. They arrived at a cute little café called Coco's Corner. "Come on let's go!" She said as she walked up the steps. He followed closely behind her.
"Welcome to Coco's Corner how many?" Asked the waitress.
"Just two Bella."
"Oh right this way then Olivia." The girl Olivia had called Bella had no name tag.
"How'd you know her name?" Ryan's confusions came out?
"I'm good friends with her sister." Olivia whispered her response.
"Wait here and your server will be here shortly." Bella walked away her brown ponytail swing back and forth as she walked.
"So is that why you came here Liv you know one of the workers?"
"I don't know just one of the workers I'm friends with the boss."
"Well I'll be darned Olivia Cameron how longs it been 1-2 years?" A girl with short brown hair with an orangey-red streak and aviators came up to the table.
"Coco! It's been to long, how you been?"
"It's been great? Me and Fox are expecting again!" Coco said with a wide grin.
"No way! This is great news!"
"Wait who's Fox?" Ryan asked looking confusedly up at the two women.
"Fox is my husbands nickname," Coco explain then turned back to Olivia, "why didn't you tell me you started dating again? I mean last time I saw you you were crying so much about you know who. You swore you'd never date anyone ever again." Ryan became super confused about who they were talking about. He decided to shrug it off.
"I did but this ones persistent." Coco gave an 'oh I see' look and then pulled out a pad and paper.
"So what can I get you both today?"
"The usual." Olivia said and looked at Ryan.
"I'll try whatever she's having." We handed Coco our menus and she walked back towards the kitchen. "So who's she?"
"Coco she's the boss here." Olivia said with a smirk.
Soon a little girl with short red hair ran up to our table, "Olivia!" She climbed up onto the booth seat and onto Olivia's lap.
"Well hi there Velvet, what are you doing here?"
"Babysitter fell asleep so I decided to come downstairs. She's not very good."
"Velvet! What are you doing?" Coco came to the table and Velvet lowered her head. "I'm so sorry Liv, she is usually way better behaved." She put down the food in front of them and then grabbed Velvet's hand. "Go back upstairs, we'll talk about this later."
"Coco she was fine to sit with us." Olivia tried to show some sympathy for Coco's situation.
"She's been doing that a lot lately... I don't know why she never did that for the last babysitter."
"How about this Coco? I could babysit her on days you both have to work."
"You'd do that? That would be great! Thanks Liv!" Bella came up behind Coco and whispered something in her ear. "Thanks again but if you'll excuse me?"
"I never knew you were sensitive." Ryan commented with a smirk.
"Look Coco's an old friend she's always been there for me, I'm just returning the favor."
They finished eating, payed and left the restaurant. "You know what I had fun. We should do this again sometime." Ryan said hoping onto the bike behind Olivia.
"Don't hold your breath." Olivia turned her head towards him. "This isn't my kind of thing."
"Well what is your thing then?"
"It's complicated."
"Well why don't you at least try to explain it to me."
"It would be just to show you." With that Olivia turned the motorcycle on and speed down the street.
They stopped in front of an abandoned old house. "Wow! It's amazing this things still standing." Ryan said but with that the railing for the steps fell over. "Ok make that barely standing."
"Come on slow poke! It's back here." She opened the side gate and went in. Inside was a willow tree in full bloom. She disappeared into the green leaves.
"Liv? If your trying to scare me it's not going to work." Ryan moved through the tree trying to find Olivia. He found her beside a stone at the base of the tree.
"This is my kind of thing. I come here when I feel scared, alone, angry. This was one of my childhood homes. This was my dads place and it's were he wanted to be buried... As did my mother." She looked up at Ryan with tears in her eyes. "It was my fault that they are here! If I had been a boy instead of a girl they'd still be around and they'd be together! We would've been happy..."
She began to cry and Ryan embraced her. "Liv look, things happen for a reason just think if your life hadn't turned out the way it did I wouldn't have gotten the chance to fall.. Meet you, I meant meet you. You're the only person I think makes me overwhelmingly happy. I guess what I'm trying to say, and what I've been trying to say all night is I have fallen for you Olivia I really have."

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