Chapter 17

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"So you wanna talk to me?" Olivia was sitting down in his office while he was looking through some book.
"Um yeah can you look at this picture. That's you right?" Olivia handed him the picture.
"Where did you get this?" He sounded angry at her. "My son is the only other person that had this photo." His voice was rising.
"What was his name?" Olivia asked him.
"Ryan and that's his twin sister Rachel they were my pride and joy." He began to cry as he held the picture in his hands.
"What happened when you went home 9 years ago?"
"Why do I have to explain that?" He retorted obviously the subject hurt but Olivia wanted to do this for Ryan.
"I'm just curious I guess."
"I went home I showed up at our house and the lady who apparently lived there said the last family to live there moved away a year ago." He had tears slipping down his face one by one. "You wouldn't understand what I've been through."
"You may think that but I can relate my father died when I was fifteen and my mom when I was twenty. I had to basically step up and provide for my three younger siblings. Now I'm trying to fix something for my fiancé and his sister." His face looked confused. "You're son Ryan is my fiancé."
"You've gotta be kidding me?" He looked her over, "you're serious?"
Olivia nodded her head. "Would you like to see them again?" Olivia offered and hoped he would or this trip would solve nothing.
"Of course I'd want to," he pressed a button on his phone, "Delia tell the boss I'm taking a couple days off." With that he grabbed his coat, held the door for Olivia, and walked out of the station to the car.
"What do you mean with some guy friend of hers?!" Ryan yelled so loud it could've woke up the whole neighborhood. "Where were they going?"
Rachel shrugged and answered, "I don't know I left before they started talking." Ryan growled and looked as if he wanted to hit something.
"Did you at least catch the guy's name?"
She nodded her head, "she called him Buddy."
Carlos perked up and turned around on the couch as he'd overheard their entire conversation, "Buddy? She was with Buddy? No way she only ever calls him when she needs to find something or someone of importance. He is a detective after all."
Ryan stood their silent. "You mean she is with a cop looking for something."
Rachel shook her head and recalled the photo. "No she's not looking for something, she thinks she can find dad." Adding to their suspicion Olivia walked in to the room with two men. 
One there age, the other much older. "Liv you scared me half to death! Where have you been? Who are these guys?" Ryan couldn't help but yell, he was frustrated.
"Ryan calm down these are just some friends. This is Buddy," she put one hand on Buddy's shoulder, "and this is Mark." She waited for Ryan to respond but he just stood there silent. "Ryan are you okay?" She waved her hand over his face but he didn't move.
Without warning he bolted upstairs and left Olivia, Carlos, and Rachel alone with Buddy and Mark. "Dad is it really you?" Rachel had joyful tears in her eyes and she inched closer to Mark. 
"It's me baby girl, it really is." She jumped into her fathers arms and he spun her around. "Thank you both for this. I wouldn't have left that station if it wasn't for you too." Mark said still hugging his daughter.
Ryan came downstairs with Lea holding his hand. "Is that him daddy?" Lea asked but Ryan just nodded. Lea rushed up to Rachel and Mark and hugged them at the knees. Lea looked up and smiled at Mark and motioned for him to come down to her level. "It's nice to meet ya Grandpa!" She hugged his neck as if she'd known him all her life.
"Ryan I thought you were only engaged to Olivia?" Olivia looked at Ryan and he did the same. "I'm just kidding, Olivia told me on the ride back here you had been married once before." Ryan started chuckling and his dad did the same.
"It's great to have you back dad!" Ryan and Rachel both hugged there dad and Buddy decided to take his leave and Carlos headed upstairs. Olivia started to follow him when Rachel's voice stopped her, "Where are you going Olivia? You deserve to be in this hug too! Get yourself over here." With that they all hugged and stayed that way till the front door opened. 

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