Chapter 7

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The night was drawing near as Pete watched another basketball game on the television. He grabbed the six pack of beer off of the table in the living room of his hidden home and popped the cap of a single beer with his fangs, snatching the metal lid out of his teeth and tossing it on the tabletop.

Pete stared at the lit up screen, raising the drink to his chapped lips and taking a long sip from the bottle. The vampire listened to the sound of silence sweep through the property, feeling empty, lonely, and defenseless without his best friend. He forced himself to stay here night after night alone because he couldn't live in the same house as the demon. He couldn't walk around and pretend to ignore that Patrick wasn't himself.

Then again, the demon didn't only affect his life, but everyone in the town. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he felt sorry for the wolves today. They didn't deserve this...or did they? Pete was so conflicted with his inner thoughts and his feelings. He lowered the bottle onto his lap and traced his hands around the designs, pondering his newfound compassion for his enemies.

The phone rang as the commercials switched on, and the vampire came back to reality. He grabbed his vibrating device and slid the green image across the screen, then pressed the device to his ear.

"Peter?" It was Jack. The wolf wanted to make sure that Pete was alright, seeing as he hadn't heard from him since their encounter.

After leaving Brendon's house and igniting the darkness inside of Rachael, Pete retreated to his secret home. He was originally there to get Brendon to rid Patrick of the demon inside of him, but when he realized that that was already being taken care of, he went back home, feeling that it was unnecessary for him to be there when things were already being taken care of.

"It's Pete," The vampire corrected him, indirectly giving assurance that he was unharmed.

The wolf on the other end of the line lightly chuckled. Jack was positive that the blood sucker was alright. "I just had to make sure you were alright." The vampire lifted an eyebrow at Jack's words. Pete found this weird, the sincerity in the wolf's voice. No one else really cared about him but Patrick, but he wasn't there.

A long silence filled the phone line when Jack cleared his throat and said, "Look, your friends made a mess down here; we have families that need to get back into their homes."

"And?" The vampire heaved a bored sigh while taking another swig of his beer.

"I was thinking that maybe you could help us," The naive wolf stated while Pete sat up on his couch and leaned over, resting his knees on his elbows.

"I don't think your sister and her buddies will let me within five feet of the bayou." He was probably right - Kenya would kill him if she ever saw or smelled him walking around.

"Let me worry about my own sister, just get over here," He demanded while a few voice mumbled in the background, "Please, Pete, we could really use your help."

"You're asking for trouble," Pete warned him.

"When am I not?" Jack replied before hanging up. Pete took a second before scowling and standing up. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to go back to the bayou. He placed his phone in his back pocket and searched around for his keys and jacket.

Pete walked through the kitchen, grabbing his keys off of the counter as he passed through the room into the front portion of the large house. He stopped to see himself in the full-length mirror hanging in the foyer, a frown marking his face. He heaved a sigh and adjusted his jacket, contemplating whether or not he should do what he was going to do. If he didn't do it, he wasn't going to be the only one getting hurt. But if he did do it, the relationship with the man he practically watched grow up would inevitably come to an end.

~BOOK 3/PART TWO~ Paranormal: A Vampire's Time Is Now (Multi-Bandom FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now