Chapter 21

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"I know you want to leave, but would you stay in town?" Kenya pleaded.

Rachael chuckled nervously. "Of course you'd ask me that..."

"Look, you can say no. I'm in no position to keep you here, but would you is the question. Will you stay? So we can actually work this out?" Kenya was almost on her knees begging, but she knew she had nothing, no real tangible way to keep Rachael in New Orleans.

The witch sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know, you're not the only one who wants me to stay. Hell..." She laughed at herself. "...I even kind of want to stay." She met the werewolf's gaze and hesitantly asked, "Have you ever loved someone so much that you forget you love them?"

"You can't forget how to love someone. Because love never dies, it never disappears. If you love someone, you know you'll be there with them till the end of the world. But if you doubt that you love someone, if you doubt that relationship for even a moment, then it's not love. It's lust, at best," Kenya replied.

"I know, and that's the worst part about it." Rachael hung her head and sniffled. "I know that, no matter what I do, I'm always going to find my way back to him. We've nearly killed each other so many times I've lost count, but I still remember his favorite blood type and he still remembers my favorite spell to cast. So I wonder if leaving is just going to be a big waste of my time."

"I can see the history you and Patrick share," Kenya admitted while beginning to walk down the street, Rachael jogging to catch up to her, "But I also see the chemistry you and Brendon share. I see the small glances you share, the moments he makes you swoon, the seconds he falls for you over and over again. Thing is, which one are you going to choose? Stay with the man you've been with for centuries or leave with the man you should love?"

"I've just lived so long, Kenya. And change is something...something that is either exciting or terrifying. And this...this has been both."

"Look, don't leave for Brendon and don't stay for Patrick," Kenya stated, "Stay for you, leave for you. Don't let them tear you apart. Fall in love with whomever you want, but choose the man that will make you happy."

Rachael giggled. "Maybe I should just choose Will. Because I mean, uh, hello, free drinks for life."

"If he makes you happy, go for it." Kenya chuckled. "And if you do, you better hook me up for free drinks for life." The two girls shared another laugh before Kenya heaved a heavy sigh, knowing that, in just a few moments, she'd have to face the facts that her mate betrayed her and that there was a world of betrayal waiting for her. She was going to have to face the pain. "I'll know what you decide in the morning based on whether you stick around or disappear. If not, it was nice to meet my best friend again." Kenya walked Rachael to her doorstep and pulled out her keys to her faithful car.

"Hey Kenya?" The witch broke the silence that had fallen over them. "I know this is kind of late, but I should probably thank you for keeping my daughter distracted that one night. I know her incessant talking can get annoying sometimes, but when she gets quiet, when she can't talk, that's when things start to go bad. So thank you. I really appreciate it."

"I still can't believe you had a daughter and you didn't tell me," Kenya remarked, making Rachael's eyes grow wide. It was as if she was starting to remember, or maybe she wasn't. But whichever it was, it was progress nonetheless. "Anyways, she wasn't a problem, I've known Halsey for a while. I just can't believe she's your kid."

"It's not that surprising," The witch remarked in defence, "I mean, she's practically a carbon copy of Patrick and me, possessing a good combination of both his and my best and worst qualities. It actually got us banned from a town once, believe it or not."

~BOOK 3/PART TWO~ Paranormal: A Vampire's Time Is Now (Multi-Bandom FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now