Chapter 22

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Dreams and nightmares can be memories, revelations, or premonitions of what is to come. Kenya's dreams haunted her with truths of things from the past, but also of what was to come in the future.

Early the next morning, Kenya tossed and turned violently in her sleep. For once, she wasn't seeing the face of a man, woman, or child she killed. Instead, she was seeing visions of her future. She imagined claws, fangs, and the beady red eyes of a demonic dog. She flipped over on her side and murmured a few scrambled words as she pictured a gruesome scene.

Kenya was in gray room filled with smoke and fire all around, and she coughed in her dream as she placed her arm over her face in an attempt to keep the poisonous fumes out of her lungs. She looked for a way out of the room and noticed a red door on the opposite side. She bolted for the door, but then something fast knocked her down on the burning ground. The she wolf scrambled away from any burning flames and looked around for whatever was trapped in the room with her.

However, there was nothing but the crackling of the fire. The lycan assumed that she was safe, that maybe this was her mind playing tricks on her like usual. That's when her hand came in contact with something smooth, and she turned around to address it. It was a hand, a hand that had been disembodied from its person. The lycan twin surveyed the area to find that there were more bodies, all ripped apart or scratched up as if they'd been mauled to death.

Kenya had to get out of there, so she stood up in a frantic manner and took off again, running towards the crimson doorway. The stench in the room was awful, it was the smell of death itself. Kenya finally touched the handle of the reddened door and pulled and pushed at it, but it wouldn't budge.

A loud growl resonated through the confined space, causing fear to run through her as red eyes appeared from across the room. The lycan knew she had to get out, so she backed up a few feet and charged, several times. And with each attempt she made, the devilish eyes grew larger and larger, mocking the she wolf's attempts to escape.

Kenya sighed and held on to the door,  coming to grips that there was no exit; that it was a trap all along.

That's when she noticed a strange wetness. She removed her hands and gazed down at them. Her hands were stained in blood. Kenya glanced up at the door to see where her hand print had been, the area being covered up by more blood dripping down the door.

Kenya jumped as a bark ripped through the small space. The bark initiated a pounding sound, coming from Kenya's heart. At least, that's what she believed until she realized it was from coming from the door. The door was shaking; someone was trying to get in, someone behind that bloodied door wanted to get in. So the she wolf pressed against it, determined to break free.

She lost her focus, though, when a big black dog came into view. Its teeth were bared, and its claws were jagged and sharp. Worst of all was the smell of smoke and death it gave off. In addition, Kenya could feel the anger beating off of the dog and the being behind the door.

Struck motionless and speechless, Kenya couldn't move as the dog leaned back on its haunches before pouncing at the terrified she wolf. Kenya let out a shrill scream.


"Kenya, open up!" A familiar someone's voice called to the lycan on the other side of the door. Her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute as she listened to the pounding on the door. "I know you're in there!"

The she wolf swung her legs over the side of the bed and shakily made her way over to the door, where she looked through the hole to see the blue-haired girl she thought she'd gotten rid of standing outside. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and pinned between her arms and chest was a book. Kenya rolled her eyes, but nonetheless opened the door.

"Whoa, you look like shit," Halsey greeted,  smirking at Kenya's disheveledness.

"Hello Ashley," Kenya replied sarcastically, "Is-"

"Did I interrupt something?" The girl inquired cheekily, peeking over the werewolf's shoulder to see if there was someone else in the room, "Or did they already leave?"

Kenya narrowed her eyes at the child-like hybrid. "Is there something you needed?"The she wolf could see that Halsey was anxious about something, since the crossbreed was frequently looking over her shoulders and clutching the book to her chest. "Halsey!" Kenya snapped and the blue-haired girl jumped, quickly giving her attention back to the tired wolf.

"Sorry, here." She held out the book to Kenya. The she wolf hesitantly took the book into her possession and opened it up. "The pages are marked. I just thought I should show you this since now I have to be on your side."

"Don't hold your breath for a thank you," Kenya murmured as she skimmed the pages given to her.

From a young age, Brutus taught her languages from different countries and of different origins, including the ones of old pagan cultures. Kenya read the words on the spell book and her face dropped to a serious, almost frightened, expression.

"Halsey, were you followed here?" Kenya glanced to the girl, but then looked around her before pulling her into her room by the collar and switching places with her.

"I don't think so. I hope not. I mean, maybe." The girl's cheeks grew an embarrassed shade of red.

"Maybe?" Kenya questioned while sniffing the air and not smelling anything out of the ordinary. The she wolf re-entered her room and closed the door behind her, then ran over to the blinds and shut them immediately. She turned around and addressed the scared girl sitting on her bed, "Kid, you came to me, so I want the truth."Kenya pulled out a chair from the table next to the window and placed it front of Halsey.

"I don't know...a few vampires from Patrick's clan have been following me. I mean, I don't know why, I don't remember fucking any of them and I haven't done anything wrong, so..." Halsey explained, her voice trailing off as she began to scratch at her wrists that were covered in scars.

"Why would vampires be following you?" Kenya questioned, showing true concern, "What happened?"

"All I know is that I go to the coffee shop in town, the same coffee shop I've always gone to, and I noticed these two vampires eying me down. They're the same two guys have been following me for the past couple of days. I mean, most of the time I don't mind it, but these guys...they made me feel really uncomfortable."

"Halsey, they could just be frequent visitors-"

The lycan twin was cut off by the young hybrid. "No, they've been following me, Kenya. I know they have." She raised an eyebrow at Ashley's statement. "Everywhere I've gone, they've been there, and I recognize them. They were a part of the clan, Patrick's clan."

"So? Patrick is probably just being an overprotective parent." Kenya shrugged.

"No, he's never been like that, especially to me," Halsey muttered while rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Plus I'm the daughter of one of the most powerful witches and vampires that have ever lived," The blue-haired girl mentioned, "This wouldn't be the first time I've been hunted down. But there guys are following me, Kenya, and I can't figure out why. I think it has something to do with what's in that book."

The she wolf opened up the book once more and went back to reading the text, translating it all almost instantaneously. She shook her head. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news-"

"But you are," Halsey sassed.

Kenya rolled her eyes before finishing her previous statement, "As I was saying, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if these pages are right, then those guys were after you, and they weren't vampires." She flipped over to the next page and continued her reading.

"No, they're vampires. I know they were. I recognized them."

"Halsey, they're being possessed, just like your father was," Kenya disclosed.

~BOOK 3/PART TWO~ Paranormal: A Vampire's Time Is Now (Multi-Bandom FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now