Chapter 3- Doorways

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Once in our life we have all opened up a doorway that we know we shouldn’t have. But out of curiosity, peer pressure, etc we opened that door. The most common thing with people now a days, Is that often times that doorway is left open. So more and more is feasting on that open doorway, drawing you to go deeper then you planed or even wanted too.

There is a list of doorways that allow Satan to take advantage of us. The list you are about to see, does not list all the occult involvements, but covers many of the popular occults these days. Many of these occults will be better explained in the other chapters though out the book.

Doorways (forbidden practices): horoscopes, tarot cards, divination (or future telling), palm reading, obsession with UFOs and Aliens, Witchcraft (black or white magic), using spells or curses, astrology

Doorways (Blood pacts): Channeling, Yoga, visualization, hypnosis, meditation, levitation, Séances, necromancy, Objects or idols worship, out-of-body experiences, martial arts

Doorways (Cults, Counterfeit Christianity, and World Religions): Wicca, The new age movement, goddess worship, Jehovah witness, Christian science, Mormonism, Hare Krishna, Freemasonry, Islam, Roman catholic,  Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Taoism, Scientology, Unification Church

Doorways (Media and entertainment): Automatic writing, Dungeons and Dragons, Ouija board, Magic- the gathering, Movies or TV that have occult themes/influences (horror, science fiction, Violence, etc..), Music that exalts Satan or the occult (Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osborn, etc..), Games that deal with the occult (casting spells, potions, etc..), Books (Harry potter, Pokémon, Hush Hush, Fallen, etc…)

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