Interview with Owain Glyn

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This interview was initially published  in the #WattpadChronicle on the WattmagUSA profile.  Please see the other great articles and interviews undertaken by myself and the other Ambs.

I would like to introduce you to the talented poet Glyn known to us as OwainGlyn who lives on my side of the pond in the UK from the picturesque coastal town of Penzance. Glyn is very well known amongst most of us on Wattpad and if you haven't yet come across this lovely charming gent that is a rare feat. He is very visible in his Ambassador duties.Glyn has so many admirers that there is even a profile called Salute Owain page regarding his retirement in 2013 when he took a break from Wattpad set up by another writer and contributed by others .This is due to the outpouring of love and affection that Glyn a person most of us feel dear to, as he is such a supportive and encouraging soul to us fellow writers.Now strangely enough a few years ago Glyn use to work almost walking distance from my old house and its not impossible that we may driven past each other from time to time as I use to drive nearby to his old office to take my dog for a walk by the River Thames in one of the settings for Three Weddings and a Funeral. How odd is that?Thank you for kindly agreeing to undertake this interview. Let's get ourselves comfortable as we settle down in our virtual café in our comfy chairs. Now I'll order. What are we drinking? Coffee? Tea? Or a glass of wine or would you rather a beer? Oh and are we having cake? If so, which cake is your favourite?- Is there a memory attached to it that you would like to share?

Reply: Thanks, I think coffee would be good, and maybe just a half dozen chocolate éclairs, for now.

Wow, that's a lot of éclairs you must have a sweet tooth! I've have a slab of bread pudding and a Green Tea.

Glyn the thing that comes across to me when I read your wonderful poems in Freefall is how I feel I am reading a story. It appears to start of the collection of poems you were battered and bruised through life and that you were "knocked for six at finding love unexpectedly. It comes across to me that you appear to feel almost unworthy of such love but that through time the love your partner gave you appears to have made you whole, complete and re-established your confidence in people and happiness . At the end of the poems I feel your contentedness and joy. Did you realise that you conveyed this after you wrote them? Is this a true reflection of your thoughts?

Reply: Having completed Windswept, and being asked by my publisher not to add to Moonswept on Wattpad, for the present, it was my intention that Freefall would be written without any formal poetic constraints. As I began writing, I found myself trying to explain some aspects of love, and life that I felt were more 'real' than simply romantic. It is my intent to include some humour, and maybe even politics, as the collection develops.

How did it feel the first time you saw your physical published book of Windswept at your local book and did the book signing? Did you feel like a rock star?

Reply: I was staggered when Outerbanks agreed to publish Windswept. I think we all realise that poetry is not particularly commercial, so to find a publisher prepared to take the risk was mind blowing. When I received the first proofs I was overwhelmed. To receive physical copies of the finished article was a dramatic moment. I am ever so grateful to all the Wattpadders who wanted to own their very own copy. I am not sure about the rock star image, but I guess I can dream. :)))

I love your letters that you write to your grandson Jack in Dear Jack, it really touches me. What inspired you to write them?

Reply: When my first Grandson, Jack, arrived, I was determined to enjoy every moment of the event. It seemed to me that I would have the opportunity to be as mischievous as possible without any of the responsibility! By writing these letters to him, I feel I shall leave a literary legacy, both to him, and to his long suffering parents.

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