I love interviewing writers small and big but due to time constraints it's now become impossible to read a whole writer's book, but that's not to say I.wont read it at a later date. I will however read a section of your work such as a chapter or two.minimum as it gives a flavour to me of who you are and the style of your work.
Recently people have not been returning interviews completed due to their own busy lives so there has been a delay in posting. Also I have been studying and sorting family matters out. I do have a list to work through but if you would like to be considered please send me a personal message. I like to engage with anyone who I interview as a connection of us getting to know each other that makes them special. If I already know you, well we are half way there. If not it be great fo.make your acquaintance so drop me a dm.
I can also be found on Twitter especially Thursday evenings around 8pm for my #wattpadconnections #DebateShareConnectWriteInspire #writingcommunity for my weekly writing question.
Can't wait to hear from you
Kimberley xkx
Chink chink
Interviews with Writers Big and Small on Wattpad
Non-FictionSo I thought it be interesting to speak to my fellow Wattpad Friends and to share their love of writing, food and life in general. This is not only for big writers to share their success with everyone but also with up and coming writers to make thei...