3-Being Bitten

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here's the next chapter! okay, so this book is suppose to be shocking,  twists and turns everywhere. i know this like has nothing to do with werewolves right now, but trust me, it's got  alot to do with them. i'm just not there yet. this chapter might seem boring, as the others, but it will get more exciting. trust me. have i ever let you down? that's what i thought. i hope you like!! :D


Not again.

“Come on, please come with?” Astrid pouts her bottom lip, looking up at Juliette with big eyes. Astrid is in need of new clothes, as always. She seems to always either spill something or rip the clothing.

Juliette looks away. “I can’t, Astrid. I already promised Romeo that we’d work on the art project.”

“Ooh, a study date?” She waggles her eyebrows. “I totally knew you liked him!”

“I do not!” Juliette protests. “We hardly got anything done because of my brother. Do not start with that dreamy look.” She looks pointedly at her best friend, who quickly covers her face up.

“He’s just so hot!” She sighs dreamily again.

“I know I’m hot. It’s like impossible to think I’m not.” Noah grins, sitting down next to his girlfriend. They are currently in the park, enjoying the shade under a tree.

“We weren’t talking about you.” Astrid rolls her eyes. “We’re talking about Julie’s hot ass brother, Max.”

“I never said that.” Julie frowns.

Noah growls. “You’re not aloud to see her brother ever again.”

“Oh calm down.” Astrid giggles, pecking her boyfriend on the lips.

Juliette glances around. “Where’s you’re master?”


She nods. “Romeo.”

Noah scowls. “He’s not my master!”

“Could’ve fooled me.” She mutters under her breath.

“For you’re information,” Noah scowls again, “he’s with his girlfriend.”

Julie does a short nod before plugging her earbuds in and standing up. “I’m going to get a soda.” Of course, Noah and Astrid are already in a heated make out session, ignoring the world around them. Juliette rolls her eyes and puts her hair in a ponytail, then walks off towards the soda machine.

“Juliette, watch out!”

Too late. Juliette hit’s the ground with a thud and a groan. Something-or someone lands on top of her, earning another groan.

Being BittenWhere stories live. Discover now