Being Bitten-20

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I’m not tired, I’m not tired, I’m not…tired…I’m not tired…not…tired…tired…

Juliette’s head clunks back onto her desk, sleep overwhelming her. Since the Terra’s death, she’s been spending more time at the hospital than anywhere else. Romeo still didn’t wake up yet, even after five days have passed. She’s trying to work on an essay, but sleep is nipping at her eyes.

A slam on the desk makes her jolt awake to a grinning Astrid. “Mornin’ Alpha.”

“Stop calling me that, Astrid!” She groans, trying to whack her friend but failing.

Astrid has taking a liking for calling her Alpha. It gets her pissed off, that’s technically the only reason why she calls her that. “Why are you trying to type an essay at-” Astrid’s eyes hover over the alarm clock, “-5:50 in the morning?”

“Because I have to go see Romeo today.”

“You go everyday, don’t you think it’s time for a break?” Astrid questions, picking at her nails and taking a seat next to her friend.

“No,” She answers immediately. “I’m staying by his side no matter what.”

“Hmm…what if the whole Center turned into a volcano and started spurting hot lava everywhere and-”

“Shut up, Astrid,” She snaps, even though she’s smiling.

The two girls giggle at each other. Max comes in then, whistling the tune of Starships. He pouts in Juliette’s way with a sulky expression. Automatically, she knows he did something wrong. “What did you do?”

“Nothing!” He says quickly. Too quickly. His face winces, “Ah, well…”

Astrid raises an amused eyebrow. “Did you break something?”


“What did you break?” Juliette sighs, glancing up at her older brother.

“I did it on accident, I swear!” He answers, looking panicked. “I didn’t mean to do it! Dad’s gonna have a cow…”

“Cow?” Astrid echoes.

Now Juliette knows he did something seriously bad. “Just tell me, Max.”

“The hose…go take a look at it…”

Both girls send each other quick glances before hurrying out to the backyard. “Holy fucking chicken Mcnuggets,” Astrid swears, mouth hanging open.

“…Is it that bad?”

“That bad?” Juliette repeats, eyes wide in horror. “You practically turned our grass into a swamp!”

That’s what it looks like. On the side of the house, the hose is plugged in, on full blast. It unravels to come to the middle of the grass. At the looks of it, it must’ve been on for a while, because the backyard is all muddy and wet. You can’t even step on it without getting your shoes dirty. It’s flooding the backyard, and there’s no stopping it.

“Turn it off!” Astrid yells.

“I can’t. I super-glued the hose to the faucet, and the handle to turn the faucet off is broken.”

The pair stare at the idiot in front of them. Juliette practically explodes on him. “Why the hell would you do that!?”

“Long story that involves ripped pants and some cheese…”

Julie shakes her head and retreats back into her house. “Dad is going to kill you. And then bury you in our new swamp.”

“Where is your dad, anyways?”

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