Seventeen- DK

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"I love your eyes." He smiled at me. I blushed and looked down while smiling. He tilted my chin up to make me meet his eyes. "Especially your eye smile. They sparkle like a shining diamond." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at his song reference.

"I love your smile." I said as I intertwined our fingers together. "Its bright like the sun." I stood on mg tippy toes closing the gaps between our lips.

I sucked in air as my eyes snapped open. I pulled my blanket closer to my face. Why am I dreaming about him, again? Its been about a month since a dream like that happened. Was it a dream? Or was it a memory? I closed my eyes and sighed. I miss him. Sadly to say that I do. Seokmin and I dated for about 10 months and we were forced to break up because of our careers. Mine of being an average women working at a modeling agency, and him debuting on Seventeen.

He had to break up with me and now its been 7 months since I last spoke to him and the last we seen each other. I clutched my blanket and sighed making sure I didn't burst into tears.

Way to start my morning. My chest felt heavy now. Especially knowing what today is. My phone rang on my nightstand. I reached over and answered the call.

"Happy Birthday Chloe!" My mom said over the phone. I smiled. I sat up on bed.

"Thanks Mama, but I feel so old." I huffed.

"25 is still young sweetie." She giggled. I rolled my eyes. I stretched and got out of bed and walked into my kitchen to start cooking myself breakfast.

"Do you have plans today?" She asked me.

"Ermm.." I dragged out as I thought. "I don't think so."

"Well you do now. I contacted your friends so get ready. They'll be over your house by 10. Love you!"

"Saeng il chu ka Chlo!" I heard my dad shout before my mom hung up. I chuckled.

"Gomawo Appa!" I said and we hung up. Instead of cooking breakfast I'll just go eat out with the friends my mom called. I went in my room and changed, put on some make up. Just in time someone knocked on the door. I slipped on white converse and grabbed my purse with my phone and keys.

"Noona!" It sounded like a guys voice. Oh god. I chuckled and opened the door.

"Unnie!" Krystal smiled. "Saeng il chu ka!" She hugged me.

"Gamsahamnida!" I hugged her back. I smiled at Kai behind her and hugged him. Even though I'm a year older than him, he still calls me 'Noona'. (The ages wont be there original age)

"I wanna hug." Sehun said. I hugged him, and then Luna. We all got out of my apartment then headed out shopping. This was all Luna's plan.

Its now 3 in the afternoon and we were sitting at a table enjoying our late lunch. "Do you have a birthday outfit yet?" Luna asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, my umma wanted me to wear something nice so we went out to buy a dress." I chewed on my food.

"We should head out. Get ready for your party your mom's throwing." Kai suggested. We nodded, finished eating, then went back to my place. Well the girls did. The guys went elsewhere.

My mom picked out my dress for me and I'm not complaining. I like the color and how it suits myself. It was a white top and dark blue flowy, high low dress. Luna did my make up with Krystal did my hair. It was nice having someone do my make up, but I prefer doing it myself.

"So how are you?" Luna asked touching my eye make up.

"I'm alright. I feel old." I chuckled.

"Yah! Your not old! I am." Luna laughed. We are the same age but she's turning 26 soon.

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