Up10tion- Wooshin

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Is it fun to have a jealous boyfriend? Maybe. Is over protective and jealousy the same thing? Maybe. But how about a combination of both but double it. I find it cute and adorable but annoying  at the same time.

I stayed after school to study for 3 up coming test. Math, History, and English. They were my hardest subjects but this semester I think I can understand the lesson they are trying to teach. I packed my books into my book bag and gathered all mu study books to return back on the shelf.

I slightly rocked my head to some music that came through my headphones. I walked through each isle searching for the right spot to place the books in. I was on my last book and it was on the highest shelf. I looked around me for a step stool but I didn't find one.

I stuck out my tongue as I stood on my tip toes trying to reach for it when I felt someone's presence stand behind me. I could feel their chest on mu back, and their pelvis on my bottom. I saw their long arms tough my hand and the book. He place the book on its shelf with ease.

I wanted to smile and move into their embrace but I know its not my boyfriend. He was so close to me and I felt so uncomfortable. I took out my headphones and tried to turn around but he applied pressure. I moved forward so I wouldn't feel his front area but it do any good.

"Um, please get off." I moved towards the side but he place his hand on both sides of me so I wouldn't escape.

"I've wanted to be alone with you." I know his voice. The guy thats always obsessed with me and I don't know why. I don't wanna say I'm pretty or popular because I'm not. Other people say other wise.

"Ukwon, get off." He spun me around and held mu shoulders. He looked into both of my eyes.

"Why can't you be with me? I love you. I can treat you better than that prick." He said.

"Wooshin is not a prick. Get off me. Your getting carried away." I brought my hand up and tried to push his arms off of me. He held it tighter and started to lean in and kiss me bit I turned my head and pushed his face and neck away.

"Ukwon please get off." I begged. I was on the urge of crying. I stomped on his foot and he let go. I dashed away from him and grabbed my backpack and ran.

I looked behind me and saw him chasing after me. I ran faster and out the school. I saw my boyfriend leaning against his car on his phone. He looked up and saw me. I looked both ways and speed walk towards him.

"Hey baby." I stood in between his legs and hugged him tight. I was out of breath from running. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay now." I snuggled my head in his neck. He kissed my head. I'm glad hes here.

"Lets go." He opened the door for me and he went to drop me off at my house.

~Next Morning~

I just finished my English test. I think I did okay on it. I spotted my friend, who was still working. I took out my phone to occupy my time when my phone starts vibrating like crazy. I furrowed my eyebrows and opened it. It was from Sunyoul.

From Sun-Sun🌞:

Come to the bathroom now!
Come NOW!

"Miss Rou Han, may I go to the bathroom, please." I stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"Sure, why do you need your backpack?" I was already out the door.

"Girl problems!" I shouted. I saw Sunyoul and Jinhoo pacing back and forth. I slowed down and asked whats wrong.

They grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs. "We have to go. Like now! Wooshin is in big trouble." Sunyoul said in a worried told.

"What?" My stomach dropped.

"Hes getting into a fight with Ukwon right now." Jinhoo said. "The others are trying to stop them." Oh no. How did he know what happened? Did someone saw us? Cause I didn't say anything because I was trying to avoid this.

There was already a few people surrounding people. We made our way into the middle. I saw my boyfriend who was about an inch taller than Ukwon. They were all in each others face. Xiao was pulling Wooshin back, while Zico was holding Ukwon.

"Wooshin!" I shouted and dropped my backpack. I ran in between then and grabbed his other muscular arm. His vein was bulging from his neck and arms. Might I say he looks really sexy.

"Speaking of the devil." I heard Ukwon said. I turned my head and glared at him. I place my name on Wooshin's abs and pushed him away.

"Ukwon, when are you going to stop? Stop this please." I said. I looked up at Wooshin. "Come on, Wooshin, lets go. Leave it alone." I said trying to get him to look at me.

I brought my hands up and grabbed his cheeks. I brought his face down to look at me. They were hard with anger, but relaxed a little. His hand came up and touched mine. "Your lucky. I don't wanna here or see you touching my girlfriend." Wooshin bent down and gave me a long and warming kiss that made my insides flutter. "Shes mine."

He laced our fingers and I walked away first. I pulled him behind me as the crowd dispersed. I saw the hurt look on Ukwons face but I didn't care.

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