iKON- Junhoe

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"Now I use a blending brush to contour nose." I smiled into the camera then lightly brush the side of my nose. "There, thats my normal/going out look? If you can call it thats." I chuckled. "Thanks for watching, see you fairies later." I blew a kiss then stopped recording. I took my camera out if its tripod and import it into my laptop so I can edit it later and upload it on youtube.

Once I finished uploading it, I grabbed my keys and headed out of my apartment to go to work. I'm a make up or better yet, cosmetics stylist for iKON, a band from YG Entertainment, the company I work under.

I headed towards the photoshoot place where I'm suppose to meet up with the other stylist. Once I got there, I set up my stuff in my own little station in front if a vanity mirror. Oh how I love these mirrors and give off the best lighting. Oh how I wish I had one of those.

"Are you ready Hae Soo?" I looked at the other make up artist who was setting ip their stuff.

"Yup, ready for another hectic day." As I said that I heard loud noises outside of the room. More I could turn to look at the door someone wrapped their arms around me and picked me up. I squealed in shock, as I shouted for my 'attacker' to put me down.

"Yah! Put me down!" They finally put me, spun me around and gave me a quick kiss. I hit his chest. "Stop, my lipstick maybe kiss proof but dont ruin my make up." I got out of his grip and finished setting up.

I went to grab my make up wipes from Kaylee. The boys were talking to there manager before they were set to change there clothes and get their makeup and hair done.

"You look beautiful Noona." Junhoe said. I glared at him.

"Stop calling me that. I dont like it, I'm only older than you by 2 months."

"But still your my No-"

"Junhoe, come here. I need you to try something for me." My boss shouted and Junhoe nodded. He got up, kissed my cheek before leaving. Ugh, this guy.

"Are you free Noona?" I turn to look at Chanwoo who was already dressed. I nodded and told him to sit down. I started with his hair first. I teased it a bit, sprayed it so it could stay in place. "Your eye make up and lipstick looks pretty." I smiled at him and looked through the mirror.

"Thank you!"

"Hae Soo-yah, I want you to do my make up~" Donghyuk said sitting next to the desk.

"Alright wait after I'm done with Chanwoo."

"Shes my girlfriend! I want her to do me!" My eyes widened at how he worded that sentence. I looked in the mirror as Junhoe hugged me from behind. "Right?" I felt my cheeks grew warm.

"Junhoe-yah, stop embarrassing the poor girl." Jinhwan said when he came in from getting his outfit checked.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I can tell he was smirking. I shook him off and finished Chanwoo's hair and started his make up.

"You have to wait, go in any line with the other 2 make up artist." I said, smudging Chanwoo's eyeliner on the under lip to make it have. Dramatic affect. He followed my instructions as I finished his eye make up and light concealer.

I felt an arm shot in between my circled arm that was fixing Chanwoos make up, grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled it up. My hands instinctively let go to Chanwoos head and hugged my chest. Junhoe's arm was by his own side.

"Dont wear shirts like that." He looked away with pink on his cheeks. I looked down and looked away. Don't tell me he saw my cleavage. Aw man! This is so embarrassing!

"Save that for me." He pecked my temple. I glared at him. "But you look amazing."

"Your done, Chanwoo, thank you." He bowed and said thank you before getting up and leaving. He gave us a weird look. He then sat in my chair wanting me to do his hair and make up.

I smiled and fluffed his blond hair. I combed it to the side and made sure everything looked inline. I moved in front of him and fixed his bangs. I prayed hair spray making it stay in place. I made sure they looked even as possible. I fixed the top if his hair.

"You look so beautiful." I looked into his eyes. "I love you." I smiled. I leaned down and kissed his lips.

"Thank you, I love you too babe."

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