BTS- Rap Monster

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I sat on the couch in the recording studio that my boyfriend was in. I wasn't that close with the members but I somewhat am. I do talk to them, its not like I hate them, or they hate me, its just that, I'm not really around them to begin with.

Most people say I'm different. In a good and bad way. I still don't understand how Namjoon found a liking into me. I like him very much, but I didn't expect him to feel the same way in return. "Noona," I looked up from my phone to see V standing in front of me. I smiled and gave him my attention. "Wanna play a game with us?" I looked beside him to see Jin and Jungkook sitting on the floor with papers.

"Sure, what are you play?" I asked shutting off my phone and standing up. My bracelets made noises when I move.

"Tic Tac Toe." He smiled brightly. I smiled at him back. "You have pretty bracelets. Why do you have alot?" He pointed at my wrist. I moved them behind me.

"I like bracelets. It keeps me busy when I'm bored." He nodded and sat down beside the others. We played Tic Tac Toe for a little while, while the rappers were recording their song-Cypher Part: 3- for their comeback.

"Did you hear about all these self harming and stuff?" Jimin said as he walked towards us.

"Self harming?" Jungkook asked. Jimin nodded. He sat beside him as he started reading off articles about recent self harming. I swallowed.

"Its crazy. People do something this stupid to themselves just for attention. I don't want any of the fans to do something so stupid like this." He scuffed.

"Jimin, language." Jin warning. "But it is true, but don't say th-" I stood up and kept my head low. I feel like Jimins words were hurting me. People self harm cause they have a reason. Its hard to stop, and we know its stupid but you can't call us names like that.

"Noona?" Jungkook said. "Are you-"

"I'm leaving. I don't feel well." I turned around and pulled my sleeve down even more. I grabbed my shoulder backpack and headed towards the door.

"Ka Si wait." I heard Namjoon say something but I already left the studio. I place my hood over my head and walked out the building.

I've self harmed myself since I was 17. I'm 22 now so its been going on for a while. I don't so it constantly, but only when I feel like I'm falling apart or in pain. But I've stopped self harming ever since I meant Namjoon, and that was 6 and half months ago.

I am still going through tough times but Namjoon was there for me. I found myself back in my small little apartment I'm staying in. I closed the door and dropped my bag on the dining table and curled up on the couch.

Do they hate me now? Do they know? Why would they judge people like that so quickly? I frowned hugging myself closer.


"Where did she run off too?" Namjoon asked. They shrugged. "Why? What did you guys do?"

"Nothing, hyung. We were playing a little game and when Jimin started talking she got up and left." Taehyung explained.

"What did you talk about?" He asked a little fidgety.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon ignored him.

"That fans all around the world are doing something stupid like self har-"

"Why! Why would you say that! Aigoo." He sighed frustratedly and left the room in a hurry.

"Namjoon-ah!" Jin called after him but he didn't stop.


I sat in the corner of my room, hugging myself. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I've only meet them three times and I already know that they'll hate me. Jimin already mentioned how painful and hurt he is about self harming. But how he puts it, means he hates it.

"Ka Si!" Someone pound on my apartment door. "Open the door. Its me." I heard my boyfriends voice ring through the apartment. I hugged myself tighter. "Please, baby, don't listen to what the guys said. Please open the door." He kept banged on it.

It was silence and then I heard footsteps running through out the building. Don't tell me he got in. My door slammed open and my boyfriend stood there looking angry. He sighed that he found me and rushed to hug me.

My sobs muffled as my face hit his shoulder. "Thank god your safe. Your okay. Your here." He hugged me tighter. "There still young and foolish. Don't listen to them."

"T-They hate me." I choked out. He rubbed my back hugging me tighter.

"No, no, they don't! They like you!" He pulled me away and look me in the eyes. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead and cheeks then finally my quivering lips. "They don't know. They didn't mean it. I'm sorry on their behalf." He hugged me again. I inhaled his scent.

My heart shook from his gesture and words. I released myself and hugged him. How can I get a boyfriend like him? "I love you, Ka Si. You mean everything to me." I nuzzled my head closer towards his chest.

"Thank you." I whispered back.

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