BTS- Jungkook

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"Renee~ please take front counter!" Lisa said as she left the counter.

"But-" I clicked my tongue and left the window and took off my headset and headed towards the counter. Rose and Jennie laughed as they switched rolls and started making coffee.

"Hi, what can I get..for you? The usual?" I smiled I met eyes with my daily customer. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"Actually, I think today I'll get a chocolate chip muffin with large ice green tea with lemon please." He fished out his wallet as he finished his order.

I punched all that into the machine. "Sweetened or unsweetened?"

"Sweet like you." I smiled and looked down, adding the flavor to the drink. My heart jumped but it stopped at the same time. I havent been used to this attention after 3 years. I've been on my own, away from people and reality for so long.

"Relax." Lisa giggled at me. I sighed closing my eyes trying to relax my muscles as the ice tea poured into the cup.

"I just. Ugh." I stopped the machine and stirred the drink. I walked over to him and smiled. "Thank you."

He smiled at me and stuck a straw in his drink. "So, hows work?" He asked. Is he planning on staying? I dont know if I can handle it.

"Its good." I gave him a tight smile. He nodded, not seeing how panic I felt around him. Yet, I felt more relax.

And that scared me.

"When is your shift over?" I knew this question would come up.

"3." More customers lined up at the counter, but Rose and Jisoo got their.

"Are you free after work?" A small little boy's face flashed through my mind. Remembering his birthday was tomorrow I still need to get things set up.

"I'm sorry, I'm not." The look on his face softened. Before he could ask any more questions I told him I had to go. He nodded and said he'll see me later and left.

"Renee!" Jennie hit my shoulder. "Why didn't you invite him to Hee Chul's birthday?" I didn't know why I didn't. I mean I wanted too, but at the same time I'm not.

"I panicked. I didn't want to scare him away."

"About?" Joshua asked.

"You know what. He doesnt know that I have a kid. He obviously wouldn't expect that at 19." I pouted.

"You'll be fine." Joshua patted my head. "Hee Chul is cute and nice. He'll understand." I shook my head and sighed.


I finished buying all the stuff to celebrate my son's third birthday. Its 9 now and I have to pick him up at Bobby's house. Why did I leave him in his care?

I drove to his house and knocked on the door. The lights were out so I was expecting they would be asleep.

Chanwoo opened the door rubbing his eyes. Aw, I bet he was sleeping. "Renee, your finally here." He quickly hugged me.

I laughed and patted his back and walked in. "MAMA!" A little boy came running from the living room. His shirt was dirty, his hair was messy, and he was running around without pants. Just a diaper.

I smiled brightly and bent down to pick him up. "Hi baby!" I kissed his cheeks repeatedly and gave him a big squeeze. He giggled and pointed in direction he came running into.

"Bobby-hyung is a monster!" He smiled.

"Why do you say that?" I walked into the living room to see Bobby knocked out with scribbles all over his face. I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Hee Chul-yah!" He looked down and played with my hair. "Don't do that to your hyungs, okay?" He nodded.

"Sorry mommy." He stuff his face in my neck. Luckily it was only Bobby. Chanwoo crashed on the couch along side with Junhoe.

"Bobby." I kicked his foot.

He snorted. "Huh? What happened? Oh, hi." He smiled at me. I tried not to laugh with how ridiculous he looks. Hee Chul was already laughing.

"Can I have his bags please." I nodded and got up and walked towards his room. He came back and handed me superman backpack. "Thanks, see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Renee. See you tomorrow." Bobby yawned and went to his room. I walked my self out and locked the door. I strapped Hee Chul in his car seat and drove back to my apartment.

By now Hee Chul was fast asleep. I put him to bed and started setting up the decorations.

~Jungkooks POV~

"Yo, Lisa invited us to some guy's birthday party today. Do you guys wanna go?" I asked the rest of the boys who were sitting around in the living room.

"Whose?" Jimin looked up from his phone.

"A guy thats good friends with Renee." I sighed.

"Ooh. I wanna go now. I wanna find out who it is." V said. "When?"

"Today at 12." I felt a a sudden angry. I didn't know who it is, yet hes a really good friends with Renee? She never told me about seeing another guy.

It was 12 we all headed towards Renee's apartment. When I got there, their was about 11 people in her outside.

7 of them I don't know, and 4 of them were Renee's coworkers. Maybe the its one of those guys.

"Guys! Your here." Lisa smiled and ran towards us. "Renee's in the house setting up food." I nodded. I didn't feel like bothering her right now.

"Mommy, can I open my present now?" A little boy ran towards the house. I looked over and saw Renee picking him up.

"Not yet, we have to blow cake first. Go play, with Bobby-hyung." She kissed his cheek then pointed to one of the guys who was drinking from a red cup.

Wait..what? The birthday party is his? And did that boy just call Renee his mom? I made eye contact with her.

"Jungkook." Her eyes were wide.

"Hi. Is he-"

"Can I talk to you privately?" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the house. "What are you doing here?"

"Lisa invited me. If hes your..kid, why didn't you invite me?" She looked down and played with her fingers.

"I'm afraid you'll stop talking to me. You'll leave me. Not a lot of 19 year old will have a kid. I'm sorry." I felt bad. She didnt chose to be like this. To raise a kid at 19 years old. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. It only made fall for her even more.

"I still like you. Is this a chance you can actually be mine?" She giggled.

"I don't know. Warm up to Hee Chul first." She smiled and walked outside. Now I need to make this a second mission to win her over.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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