Seventeen- Hoshi

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~Hoshi's POV~

I watched as she smile and talked to her other classmate by the classroom. Her short length brown hair suited her well. Theres nothing I can say about her outfit, its just the school uniform and its nothing that big.

"Hyung, whatcha doing?" Seokmin asked leaning towards me and looking out the class window. He followed my gaze as they landed on Natalia. "Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face. I looked at his hand then back at him and rolled my eyes.

"What?" I said organizing the paper on my desk.

"Nothing, you've been spacing out. Why?" He asked.

"Cause he's to busy making googily eyes at his wanna be girlfriend." Seungkwan said. I clicked my tongue and threatened to throw my pencil at him. "Keure, Keure, mianhae." He apologized. Moving away from my seat.

"Is it Natalia, hyung?" Woozi asked. I looked out the window again and she walked into her class. I sighed and nodded. I've had crushes, I've liked girls before, but its nothing compare to her. For some reason she draws me in. And I don't have alot of experience with girls so I don't know what to do.

After class, we stayed after in the chorus room writing down some lyrics for our school Spring Fling performance. "Yah, Soonyoung-ah!" Seungcheol shouted my name. I flinched and looked up from my lyrics sheet to him. "Why aren't you paying attention?"

"He's to busy thinking about that girl." Seungkwan teased. I glared at him.

"Who is it?" Joshua asked.

"Its nobody. She wont notice me anyways." I said.

"Whadda mean? Alot of people know us. Like everyone knows us." Vernon said.

"I mean, maybe she does know Seventeen, but not me. I don't even know how to approach her." I place the paper down.

"Oh! I got an idea!" Jeonghan said. We looked at him for his plan. I leaned out if my seat to hear more about this plan of his.

~Your POV~

"Hey Nat." I heard beside me as my best friend, Rin jumped next to me. I smiled and greeted her back.

"Did you study for the History test?" She asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah, but I don't get anything." I frowned as we made our way to my locker.

"I know sam-*hard gasp* Theres Josh." Rin quickly moved closer to me and looked at the ground. I chuckled moving my books to my other arm.

I saw as the group of guys- Joshua, Seokmin, Wonwoo, and Mingyu- walked our way, but on the other side of the hall.

"Your weird." We reached my locker.

"What? I can't control the butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him." She leaned against the neighbors locker as I unlocked mine.

"Everyone feels that way towards Seventeen. Don't get your hopes up. Were way under them." I said opening my locker. A red envelope fell from the top. I furrowed my eyebrows as I bent to pick it up.

Nothing was on the outside of it, but I could feel a card inside. I put my books away and took out the card. "Whats that?" Rin peeked over my arm to see.

"I dont know." I opened the letter and there was pretty neat hangul, written in rows.

What kind of expression can you bring to my heart? One day you magically appeared, you took my heart and attracted my eyes, your greedy for that.

"He called me greedy." I chuckled. Rin leaned onto me, and I showed her the note. She suddenly smiled.

"Aw, hes saying that your beautiful to him, and he can't focus because of you." She got that from reading 4 lines? "Someone likes you! Awe you have a secret admirer!" She jumped up and down. I rolled my eyes and place it in my bag. I smiled at the thought of someone liking me. Maybe is someone that I'm crushing on is writing this.

I picked up my bag and grabbed all my things. I shut and locked it. "Come, lets go to my house and study." I said. Rin kept talking about the note as we walk. We turned the corner to leave when I almost bump into someone.

"Whoops, sorry." I stumbled back. I looked up to see a familiar face with bright blonde hair and dark brown eyes. His hair matches him. I smiled. He still looked shock. "Hey Hoshi." I said.

His cheeks turned slight pink as I talked. He looked away and slouch his shoulders and mumbled a 'hi.' Awe, hes so cute, I wanna squeeze and kiss his cheeks. I breath in and out and controlled myself.

"I like your hair. It matches you." I pointed out.

"M-Me? My hair? T-Thanks." He stuttered which made him even mire cutier. I giggled and fixed my strap and moved to his side.

"Bye, Hoshi, I'll see you around." I waved and smiled as Rin smiled at both of us. He waved a little and Rin and I left school.

Next Morning, I walked towards my locker to get my stuff for my class. The note popped into my head. Its tucked inside my favorite book for safe keeping. I opened my locker and another envelope dropped. This time it was green.

I smiled, picked it up and open it.

Your smile is the brightest, your laugh is the cutest, and your eyes are like shining diamonds. Please smile for me, and never frown? Okay? :)

I smiled and chuckled at the card. I folded it back and place it on my folder. Whos giving me these cards? I grabbed my books and smiled at the green card before closing my locker.

I walked towards class and saw Seungchol, Jun and Minghae by a classroom. They looked at me as I walked past them. I spotted them and smiled a little and wave. They smiled brightly and waved. Could it be them? Nah, I doubt it.

Through out the day I couldn't focus. I told Rin and my other friend Lola about these letters. I already have 2 for today. I found another before I went to lunch. How can people have time to place it in my locker.

"I'm telling you its Hoshi." Rin ranted. I shook my head. I wish it was him.

"No, maybe. But it could be Suga." Lola said.

"Ha, I doubt it. Hes not a type of guy who does cheesy stuff like this." I said as Rin closed her locked and we made our way towards mine.

"I think its Hoshi! I mean look, he flusters when hes around you. You like him, hes cute, and hes expressing his feelings through these letters." I shook my head. Luckily no one was around to hear her say that.

"Stop it, I don't wanna get my hopes up." I opened my locker and this time a blue card fell down.

"Again!?" Lola chirped. She picked it up and opened it. I put my stuff away and grabbed my homework. "I hope your not getting annoyed by these letters, I want to find the right time to tell you who I am and my feelings towards you. But its not that easy. But I think I'm ready. Come by the tree by the lake at 8. I think you know ;)"

"Oo, what lake? He knows about your lake?" Rin asked. I shrugged and took the note. We walked home and I washed up, ate dinner and waited for the right time to leave.

My parents were okay with it, as long I'll be back soon. I arrive at the lake and walked towards the tree. I saw candles in a circle around a card. If was orange.

I opened it. Read out loud. I raised an eyebrow and read the inside. "I want to know all of you, even if my lips are dry, I need to say this baby, I adore you each and every day." I turned around to see who said those words with me. To my surprised I saw a blonde boy who head a single rose in his hand. He fidget with it and smiled nervously at me.

He started singing lyrics to one of his songs Pretty U. "I like you Natalia. I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. But, would you like to go out on a date with me?" He held out his rose. I smiled and took it.

"I would love too." My heart skipped a beat.

"Tomorrow night 7? I'll pick you up." I smiled and nodded, I reached out and hugged him.

"I like you too Hoshi. Those letters are really cute by the way." I kissed his cheek feeling them warm up. I giggled.

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