Lu Han

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I sighed loudly as I dropped on my bed facing the ceiling. I felt the tears threaten to spill. I covered my face with my hands wiping the small tears that escaped the corner of my eyes.

I've been in America for a year and half now and I miss it at home. I miss spending time with my boyfriend and I miss spending time with my family. I had it easy their even though my job is already tough the way it is.

I'm one of the top 40's estate agent. I travel all around the world. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling, I love seeing new things, new places. But traveling alone starts to take a toll on you.

I haven't been or seen my boyfriend for 2 and a half years now and I'm tried of it. I want to see him. I miss him, but his job isn't compatible with mine. Were both always busy and rarely get to talk.

My phone rang. I sniffed and sat up clearing my throat before looking at the ID. Luhan's name appeared and I can't be any happier. I answered and place my ear to the phone.

"I miss you." I said. I sniffed quietly, trying not to show that I'm crying.

"Babe, why are you crying?" I groaned face palming myself. "What happened this time?"

This isn't the first time I cried over the phone to him. Being an estate agent is hard, physical and mentally. When a client is not happy and they end up being rude to you even though you've done nothing, it hurts.

"Everything. These young adults were angry because they can't find the house they want and blaming me." I rolled my eyes thinking about them. "I miss you. I hate this long distance relationship thing. I know it worked for 3 almost 4 years now and I just-I can't-" I sniffed wiping my tears just thinking of him. "I want to see you."

"Ming, face time me." My phone rang again and I answered it. Luhan's smiling face appeared. He pouted again. Judging by the background he was some place recording. "Baby, theres no need to cry. I'm always here. I'll answer the phone for you. I try to stop the things I do for you. We might be thousands and thousands miles apart, but were still together. That makes me happy, knowing that your still with me."

"I know, but your not physically here. America is great but I want to spent it with you. I want to go on tour with you, travel with you."

"Ming." He sighed. "Do you think I don't think the same? I hate not waking up without you by my side, and not seeing you everyday like I use too. Ming, just stay strong. Please don't cry or I'll start crying."

He made a pouty face and covered his face with his free hand. I chuckled sniffing and wiping my tears. "Ugh, I hate myself."

"But I love you. Thats why I love seeing you through everything." I smiled.

"I love you too. More than anything." I blew a kiss. He did the same.

"Hey, a new music video is gonna be released tomorrow. Don't cry too much." I rolled my eyes at him.

My phone vibrated and it was one of my workers that traveled with me. "Bye babe, I have to get to work."

"Bye love." I smiled and we hung up. I answered the call and got right to work.


By midnight the music video was released. I was extremely tired and debated if I should watch it now or later. Ha, its like I have a choice.

I opened my laptop and searched up Luhan's youtube channel. A new video was released. "The call?" I clicked play and listened to the soft sound of a synthesizer. Luhan's beautiful voice drifted through the speakers.

Just focusing on my boyfriends appearance on the music video and listening carefully to the lyrics made me miss him even more. The lyrics connected to me. And I know he wrote this song about us.

I picked up my phone and quickly dialed Luhan. I held the phone tightly to my ear trying to stop my trembling. He picked up the call after the third ring. I let the end of the music play out.

"Hi." He said. I sniffed wiping my tears and smiled.

"Hi." My voice crack. "Thank you." I poured all my feelings into those 2 words. My heart beat faster for him. Even though we didn't say anything, I know he knows that we both liked it. We both share the same feeling.

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