Chapter Two

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The dining hall was, for the first time in three months, full of students. It was a pleasantly familiar sight for Ebony as she found her seat at the fourth years' table. Almost everyone was already there: There was just one empty seat in the hall. That was for the new girl. There were rarely any new girls at Mount Asteria, apart from the first years. It was almost an exceptional circumstance: The new girl was to take the place of Josephine Simmons, who had left the school in order to pursue a career in music – something unheard of at Mount Asteria. But she had gone,convinced that was her calling in life. And now they needed are placement.

Ebony sat down,noticing the tables had been revarnished over the summer.

"Aoife's turned intoa right little annoying teenager," Bláth, next to her, was complaining to the girl opposite. "It's almost embarrassing,really. I'm beginning to wonder if she's Mount Asteria material. Ikeep trying to explain to her that adolescence simply isn't done here." She grinned, putting on a perfect cut-glass British accent.

"Oh, she'll be here fit in alright," Ebony cut in. "This is the same Aoife who has a black belt in karate, judo and kung fu?"

Bláth shrugged. "Lotsof girls here have more than that, and the right attitude. Honestly, if I hear any more about her going to hangout or whatever with her 'group' of supposed 'friends' – I mean, all they do is walk up and down the town, in their hoodies and Hollister tracksuit bottoms and Uggs,thinking they're the bee's knees wearing the latest fashions." Shepaused for breath, smiling at herself. "And what kills me the most is that those clothes cost as much, if not more, than nice, normal clothing from proper designers. Why would anyone spend so much on such ugly -"

"It's fashion, Bláth. Anyway, the school will cure her of that, you know it will. How do you think you ended up as you are now?" Thea, the girl opposite them laughed.

"I actually kind of like the tracksuit and Uggs look. It's comfortable," Hestia, next to Thea, said.

Bláth laughed. "Oh, Hestia, I don't think I could imagine you in anything but your chic little outfits your mother sends over. Mum once tried to get me to wear these awful -"

"That must be her." Ebony stood up suddenly, looking down to the end of the hall where the great double doors stood open.

"Who?"Bláth asked, craning her neck in an attempt to see.

"Agirl just walked past with Mrs. Elbourne. She must be our new classmate."

"Oh yeah. What's her name again?"

"Alexandra.Alexandra Gracieux."

"Gracieux? How unusual," Bláth said.

"What does it mean?" Hestia asked.

Ebony, Bláth and Thea all shared a look. "It means graceful, Hestia," Bláth explained. "Or gracious."

Ebony rolled her eyes. "Have you been paying any attention in French class for the past three years?"

"Yes. I can now say bonjour, au revoir, oui and non," Hestia said proudly.


Hestia smiled, unaffected by her friends laughing at her. "I don't know why I bothered missing you lot. You're nothing but a nuisance."

"Missed you too, Hestia," Bláth chuckled.

"I'd better go call my parents, I promised I would." Hestia stood up to leave the table.

"Talk to Alexandra if you see her," Ebony said before she left. "Find out about her."

"Yes, sir, ma'am," Hestia barked, saluting Ebony and marching out of the dining hall.


Author's Note

Hopefully these notes won't become too regular - I'm always concious of readers who are put off by them - but just to say that this is an extra little scene I added in not too long ago and therefore it's a little more my-train-of-thought-y and not as thought-out and rounded as usual (or as you will hopefully see in the future). Also, I'm posting in short chapters at the start to keep updates regular.

Same applies - please let me know what you think and I'll find some way to repay the favour when I get a chance!


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