Chapter Seven

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Laura emerged in the foyer from Ms de Lacy's office with a feeling of unease. She started walking towards the staircase, head bent as she went over their conversation. She was almost in the centre of the hall when she collided with someone.

"Oh, I am so - " She stopped and stared at the person she had bumped into.

"You must be the new chaplain," she continued slowly, reaching out her hand. She smiled politely as he shook her hand and made the appropriate greetings, but inside she was astounded. She had pictured a man at least middle-aged, with, maybe, greying hair and a kindly smile.

But this man before her was quite different. He was so young! He could not have been much older than twenty. Yet he could not have been anyone but the new chaplain; new people were rare at Mount Asteria, students or teachers, and strangers could not just wander around.

"I'm Laura," she said.

"Liam,"he replied. He eyed her badge. "And you're the head girl." He smiled. It was a kindly smile. At least on that note she had been right. "Ms de Lacy told me about you."

Laura raised her brow.

"Oh, not - not like that!" He hastened to amend his statement but she just chuckled.

Liam had kind blue eyes. His hair was combed neatly and he wore a conservative black shirt and grey tank top pulled on top. It might have looked silly on an ordinary twenty-something year old, but the clothes gave Laura the reassuring sense that he was not like the rest of the world, which meant he'd probably fit in at the school.

"All set for sixth year?" he asked, now evidently a little flustered as he scratched the back of his neck.

Laura nodded. "Just about." She wondered just how long ago he had been her age.

"It can be a tough one."

"Mount Asteria's a bit different to other schools, but yes, you're right."

"I've had a lot to take in about this school already," he smiled.

"I'm sure," she replied, smiling back.

A bell rang.

"I'd better go," Laura said, glancing at her watch.

Liam nodded. "I think I'll see you next Monday, is that right?"

She swallowed. "Em, yeah. That's right."

She hurried away, worry rising within her again. She couldn't imagine talking to Liam as she had Sr Maria. It wouldn't work.

"Oh, God! Not again! Sorry!" She leaned down to pick up the girl's books, cursing herself for not paying attention. She was obviously not in a great state of mind, for her to bump into two people in as many minutes.

"It's okay," the girl said and Laura looked up sharply. She hadn't recognised the voice.

"Alexandra?" she asked questioningly, but confidently; the girl was too old to be a first year, so it was the only possibility.

"Err... Yes," Alexandra said, evidently flustered by the fact Laura knew her name.

"I'm Laura. I'm in sixth year." Laura smiled and passed her a ringbinder she had picked up from the floor. "How are you getting on?"

"Oh, okay. I'm a little lost actually, I had to go back to get a book and now I don't know where I'm going. Do you know where the lecture theatre is?"

"Sure - I'm going there now, you can follow me."

Laura started walking, Alexandra following closely behind.

"So, Ms de Lacy was telling me your parents are diplomats."

"Oh yeah?" Alexandra frowned, wondering how long it would be before the entire school knew about her family. Was that how this school worked?

Laura seemed to sense her discomfort and reassured her, "Don't worry,  not all your personal information is shared with everyone. I just have to get a briefing on all the new students here."

"Ah, okay."

She laughed. "I know, we're a strange bunch, but you'll get used to us."

"That's what everyone's been saying... God, it's like Hogwarts in here!" Alexandra exclaimed as they entered the lecture theatre.

"It is, I suppose," Laura said thoughtfully. "Though the staircases don't move, so it's not as easy to get lost."

"Speak for yourself," Alexandra laughed. "Thanks for helping me find my way."

"No problem," Laura replied.

Alexandra spotted the other fourth years a few rows up and made her way up to them. Laura, however continued to the platform evidently intended for speakers.

"I see you've met our head girl," Ebony said as Alexandra took her seat.

"Oh! Is she -"

Ebony rolled her eyes. "You didn't notice her badge?"

"I - er - No."

Ebony sighed.


Next Update: Friday


Author's Note

Apologies for not making last Friday - life got in the way! - but I promise another update on Friday so hopefully that'll make up for it as we get into the swing of things!:)

Dedicated to @Gaelic_Maiden for her wonderful Irishness and support:)

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