Chapter Twenty Two

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The concert hall felt rather crowded, even with only twenty students there. The boys just seemed to take up more space. Most of them, like the girls, sat on the steps to the stage talking amongst themselves, but a few stood around the hall, laughing and calling over to each other more loudly than the Mount Asteria girls were used to.

"So do you know the them?" Alexandra asked.

"Know who?" Ebony asked.

"The guys," Alexandra explained impatiently, scanning over them. She saw Max talking to some boys she had not seen before, laughing about something. Damien, when she found him, was leaning against the wall, talking to Thea.

"Not really," Claire, behind her, explained. "We've met them enough that we know their names, and obviously some of us know each other from outside school, but most of the collaborative activities between us don't start till now – as seniors."

"So that's why only fourth, fifth and sixth years came?"

Claire nodded. "In sixth year they team up to do a major assignment which goes towards your final result. Oh, there's Ms Cunniam."

Alexandra looked up to see their English teacher walk into the hall, accompanied by another middle-aged woman she hadn't seen before. "Who's that with her?" she whispered to Claire as silence fell. Claire shrugged.

"Alright, everyone!" Ms Cunniam called out. "Girls, this is Ms Lyng from Knightsbridge College. My name is Ms Cunniam for those of you who do not know me. We will be running the annual Fourth Year play this year."

A murmur ran through the hall but died quickly as Ms Lyng began to speak. "The play will be performed at the end of November, so we should have plenty of time to hold auditions and rehearsals."

"What play are we doing?" one of the boys asked.

Ms Cunniam replied, "The Importance of Being Earnest."

Alexandra broke into a wide smile. There seemed to be a general sense of approval around the hall.

"There are seven characters and two butlers needed," Ms Lyng said. "All of you will be involved in some aspect of the show. For those who wish to audition, an email will be sent out with the script and further details about each character. The auditions will take place here, for the girls, on Monday afternoon, and in Knightbridge, for the boys, on Monday evening. Rehearsals will begin next Friday, but we'll get to that. The rest of you will need to help in the production – costumes, scenery etc."

Ms Lyng had a dry, dull voice, which contrasted greatly with Ms Cunniam's colourful and youthful enthusiasm.

"So, for today, we're going to watch the movie, and hopefully most of you will have it read over the next few days so we have it fresh in our heads when we begin."

The girls settled down, excited.

"I've already seen the film," Bláth complained.

"I don't mind," Alexandra laughed. "I can watch as much Colin Firth as you want me to... That's a joke, Ebony."

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