Chapter Seventeen

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Laura sat in a pew a few rows from the back. The chapel quite full; many of the girls came to hear the choir sing each Sunday. She had spotted Liam near the front almost as soon as she had come in and had been running through the words in her head all through the ceremony – it was so kind of you to offer to help me, but I think I'm just too busy this year and really, I don't think I need counseling anymore.

At the end of mass she got up quickly and approached him, intent of having it over and done with as soon as possible.

"Laura," he smiled when he saw her. "I'm so glad you came," he went on before she could speak. "Would you like to come out with me for a cup of coffee?"

"I – er – Well, actually -"

"Come on, I need a break." He out his hand on her arm and guided her out of the chapel and around to where he kept his car; a modest Toyota Auris, parked next to the priest's Volkswagen Golf.

Before she fully knew what was happening, they were driving out the gates of the school towards the coast.

"Where will we go?" he asked her as the speeded along the narrow mountain roads.

"Oh, I don't mind." How had she ended up in his car driving through the mountains?

"Come on, you're from around here, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. Oh, are you new to the area?"

"I only moved up from Kildare at the end of the summer."


He nodded.

"Oh you poor thing," she joked. "Alright, let's go to Dun Laoghaire. It's nice and sunny, we can get ice-cream or something by the pier."

"Dun Laoghaire it is, then. But you'll have to show me the way."


Author's Note

What a week for the world!! But we must continue with some degree of normality, so here's chapter seventeen, which chapter eighteen due tomorrow.

Keep your faith, everyone! Some times blessings come disguised as misfortunes;)

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