Chapter Nine

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"Mum?" Alexandra said into her phone.

"Hi, Allie. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

She could hear her mother sigh at the other end. "Busy, as usual. The British are very different to the Americans, but you know that, of course. I think we stayed too long in D.C."

Alexandra laughed softly.

"So, how's your new school?"

"It's... It's different," she said hesitantly, testing out the waters; she didn't know how much her mum knew about the school.

"I know, chicken, but I think it's the right place for you."

"So... you know?"

"Know what?"

"That it's a school for spies?!" she raised her voice a little, but not so much as to risk her fellow boarders hearing her. Though she was safely alone in her room she wasn't willing to take any chances. The girls were training to be spies, after all.

There was silence on the other end for a few moments. Eventually, the response came. "Don't be silly, Allie."


"What I mean is, we haven't sent you there to train you up as a secret agent."

"Of course not! But it's still a school for spies." Alexandra walked over to her window, looking out on the grounds. It was getting dark, but she could see Bláithín, Thea and Claire walking towards the building in their hockey uniform below.

"Allie, Mount Asteria is an elite training academy for young ladies from all sorts of backgrounds-"

"I know, I know. But it's... Why didn't you tell me?" Bláithín was laughing at something Thea had said. They could have been just ordinary school girls, anywhere.

"I thought it best if they explained it themselves, to be honest."

"How did you even find out about it?"

"We got a letter a few months ago. I'm sorry, Allie, we should have said something."

"It's okay. But, Mum?"

"Yes, chicken?"

"Next time you and Dad want to send me to spy school, could you maybe ask me how I feel about it first?"

"Alright, Allie."

"Thanks." Alexandra turned away from the window and flopped down on her bed, closing her eyes for a moment. She realised suddenly just how tired she was.

"So, what are the girls like?"

Yawning, Alexandra used the few moments to think about how to respond. "They're... Well, they're different. Some of them anyway."


"Yeah, they're... they're nice."

Her mother laughed. "This is like trying to draw blood from a stone."

"Sorry. I'm tired." She yawned again as if to prove her point.

"Alright, go to bed, Allie. Get a good night's sleep. You'll need it."

"Will do. I'm just going to make a cup of tea first." She got up and headed out of her room to the common room.

"Night, Allie."

"Night, Mum."


Author's note:

Short, I know, and I could only do one update this week so I'm very sorry, but that's just the way things will be sometimes!!:( In reality this scene isn't even half a chapter, but I just have to work with Wattpad so bear with me! I'm excited to move on though - if all goes to plan, the pace should pick up pretty soon;)

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