Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Tomorrow we'll look at John Hume," Professor Burke said, just as the bell rang. The class thanked him and began to file out of the room, but he called Alexandra back.

"Your piece on the economic implications of the Troubles," he said, holding  it up for her.

"Yes?" she asked, suddenly worried. She had worked hard on it, but had no idea if it was anywhere near the usual standard expected at Mount Asteria.

"It's very good. Remarkably good, in fact." He handed it to her and she breathed a small smile of relief. "Excellent analysis."

"Thank you, Professor Burke."

"We're sending a few girls to the Joint-Secretariat in Belfast in a few weeks' time for some work experience. If you're interested in diplomacy then I will nominate you for a place."

"Oh, thank you," Alexandra said again, delighted she had proven herself good enough to be granted this opportunity.

Professor Burke smiled and sat back down in his chair. "I know your parents are diplomats, but I think you'll find things a little different when you go with other Mount Asteria girls."

Alexandra nodded. "I expected as much."


"This is exciting," Alexandra said, settling into the SUV which had arrived to collect her and Hestia on Friday afternoon.

"Hi, Ronan," Hestia said to the driver as she clambered in after Alexandra, getting her hair caught in the door as she did so. "Ow."

"Are you alright there?" the driver laughed, watching her struggle through his rear-view mirror.

"Just about," she said, untangling the last few strands and pulling the door shut. "This is Alexandra, by the way."

Ronan smiled at her in the mirror as he started driving the car down the avenue.

"Welcome aboard, Alexandra. Are you girls spending the weekend together?"

"No," Hestia replied. "Alexandra lives in London. Well, technically you do, right?" She frowned at her own statement.

Alexandra laughed. "Technically, yes. But it's funny because we usually spend all the holidays in Ireland, so really I don't think I'll be there much." She had always regarded Ireland as home, though she had not actually lived there since she was ten. It would always be home for her parents and was the only place she could be sure she would return to regularly. Now that she was spending the vast majority of her time in the county, she supposed it really was her home.

It was not a long journey to the airfield, though the area seemed rather remote as Alexandra looked around her. Just fields, fields and more fields. The plane was right next to them, a small one - but large considering the amount of passengers -  and the steps opened out so they could enter. Ronan was looking after their bags, so Hestia started walking towards the plane, waving to Alexandra to follow her.

"No passport control or anything?" Alexandra asked, following Hestia into the plane. She found herself in a red-carpeted room with cream leather seats. She felt a tingle of excitement again as she realised just how lucky she was.

"No, not normally," Hestia replied, sitting down on one of the cream leather seats.   

"Might have something to do with MI6," a male voice came from behind them. Alexandra whipped around, surprised, and saw Hestia's brother coming in from what looked like the cockpit.

"Hi, Alexandra. How are you?" he asked.

"Grand, thanks," she replied. She hadn't thought of the possibility that he would be accompanying them. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable she slipped into the seat opposite Hestia and didn't say anything.

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