Chapter Forty Two

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"I just love the buildings here," Alexandra said to Hestia, walking up the avenue to the maritime museum.

"Go on, then," Hestia replied. "Tell me all about them. When were the walls built? Who lived here first?"

Alexandra shook her head. "I don't know. Anyway, sometimes it's nice just to look and appreciate. We don't need to know everything about everything."

"I agree," Daniel said, falling into step beside her, Pierre next to him.

"So, you guys have more secretive assignment stuff to do here?" Alexandra asked.

"No." He shook his head. "We just wanted some time off and thought it'd be nice to come here."

"Really?" she asked, surprised.

"Really." He smiled back. "Even sixth years get a midterm break."

Alexandra laughed, her breath coming out and condensing in the air in front of her. She shivered at the visual reminder of the temperature.

"Are you cold?" Daniel asked.

"No." She tapped the bobble on her hat. "I wrapped up well. I can't wait until it gets a bit warmer though."

"Don't get too excited. It's barely winter."

"Summer term is the best, though," Hestia added. "The grounds of out school get really warm in the summer. There are benefits to being inland."

"I don't know. I love the sea." Alexandra shrugged.

"So you'd rather Mount Asteria were Knightsbridge?" he asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Knightsbridge is a bit gothic for my tastes."

"Gothic?!" Pierre exclaimed and Alexandra turned to him, surprised to find he was still there. He had been silent for a whole two minutes. That, she was coming to realise, was rare. "Alexandra, did you ever hear any of the ghost stories of Knightsbridge?"

Alexandra clamped her hands over her ear. "Don't. I'll never be able to set foot in your school again. That's terrifying."

Pierre laughed. "I haven't even started. Don't worry, anyway. I won't tell you now – it's much better if you hear it in the dark somewhere."

"Well remind me never to follow you into a cave or something," she pretended to grumble.

Daniel laughed this time and she smiled.

"I am so hungry!" Pierre exclaimed suddenly.

"When are you not?" Daniel asked.

"The British know nothing about food."

"Well, you're in luck, Pierre. There just so happens to be a French bakery up here."

"Ah, super!" Pierre's phone buzzed. "I am so popular," he sighed as he checked it.

Alexandra giggled but Daniel shook his head. "It would be funny if he didn't actually have such a big head."

"Danielle!" Pierre said, approaching him.

Hestia and Alexandra shared a look. Danielle? No wonder Daniel was perpetually frustrated with Pierre.

"Your little friends are going to join us," Pierre continued when Daniel only glared back.

"Little friends? What little friends?" Hestia demanded indignantly.

Daniel grabbed the phone from Pierre and scanned the message. He grinned, typed something, then handed the phone back to Pierre. "Looks like there'll be no French bakery for you today. Come on," he said, turning to his right and heading off in a completely different direction.

The girls looked at Pierre, who shrugged and made to follow Daniel.

"Daniel!" Hestia screeched. "Where are you going?"

He stopped and looked back at them. "Oh," he said in such a tone that led Alexandra to believe he had forgotten they were there. "We're going into the town. You don't have to come."

"You mean, don't come?" Hestia folded her arms and gave him a stern look. "Fine," she said, when he didn't immediately respond. "Lexa and I will just go enjoy ourselves." And with that, she grabbed Alexandra's arm and dragged her in the opposite direction.

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