Chapter Six

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Laura Hunt, newly appointed Head Girl of Mount Asteria, took the seat opposite the principal that had, only a few minutes ago, been occupied by Alexandra. She felt very comfortable; she had been in the office many times over her past five years at the school and so was familiar with her surroundings. Ms de Lacy's calm presence only enforced the feeling of security she had there.

"Well," Ms de Lacy said.

Laura smiled. "Well."

"So, some things you should know... We have ten new first years and one new fourth year."

"A new fourth year?Oh yeah, I'd heard Josephine left."

Ms de Lacy nodded. "It seemed very inconvenient at the time, but I think it has worked out for the better in the end. Alexandra Gracieux is our new student."

"I haven't heard of her." Laura frowned. "You haven't taken someone into fourth year who's family has never been part of the school?"

"Her parents work in the diplomatic corps."

"The Irish diplomatic corps?"


Laura pursed her lips. "We've hardly made a very useful contact there."

"This isn't about making contacts, Laura." Ms de Lacy sighed. "What I'm about to tell you is strictly confidential. I'm trusting you as you are an exceptional student, and you know how hard it is to be exceptional here."

Laura nodded, waiting.

"Alexandra was, originally, among the ten students selected to come to the school in her year."

Laura's eyes widened. Only very few girls ever had the opportunity to come to the school: usually just ten each year, selected through various processes known only to the board of admissions. "Then why..."

"At the time, Alexandra was ineligible to take her place in the school."


"It's an old rule dating back to when the school was first opened. The old Republican beliefs, you know. They were important at the time, but now they're just silly. When Alexandra turned twelve years old, she was living in England because her parents were working in the Irish Embassy there. We take students from all over the world, except those residing in England."

Laura looked sceptical. "There are English students here, and Alexandra's parents were in England on State business -"

"All the English students here were on the island of Ireland at the time of their twelfth birthday to ensure they secured a place here."

"So if they all knew to come over for their twelfth birthdays then why didn't Alexandra know?"

"Only those whose families have been a part of our school for generations could know. That's why all our English students – I say all, there are only two – are from the same few families. Nobody new to this side of things who lives in England is eligible for a place here."

"That hardly seems fair."

Ms de Lacy shrugged. "It's the way things always have been. You'll find some strange old rules, like no union jacks may be brought onto the grounds, did you know that?"

"Who would enforce that? The ghosts of the old rebels who came here?"

Ms de Lacy laughed. "Yes, that is my fear."

Laura raised en eyebrow but the principal didn't explain any further.

"Now,on to staffing changes. We have a new chaplain - Liam. He's a candidate for the seminary in Maynooth. It was mentioned to me they had someone who needed to expand his horizons a little, before joining."

"Well, he'll certainly expand his horizons here."

"I've scheduled a meeting for you with him next Monday."

"A meeting? Why?"

"Sr Maria's health has deteriorated somewhat over the summer. She won't be taking any students this term."

Laura looked down. "Oh.I – er -"

"Laura," Ms de Lacy said gently. "I know it's been hard, these past months. And I know talking to Sr Maria helped you a lot, but unfortunately this is the best I can do for you. Liam has a very calming personality, I think,and I'm sure you'll do well with him."

Laura nodded, unable to speak.

"You'll be a wonderful head girl, Laura. You can do it."


Author's Note

First dedication of the story to @LadyBronwyn for her continued support for me and Mount Asteria!

More dedications to come:)

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