Demons, angels, and gods they are all real. The stories you read about of wizard and witches, vampires and werewolves, demons and angels or fairies and pixiest, they had to come from some truth right how would the world of come up with these ideas. The people you are about to read of are in fact the children of humans and angels, these children grew to become the Natumeste or demon hunters of the world as did their children and their children's children. The people you are about to read of are part of the Natumeste race or they will fall under the category of demonics. Warlocks, Fairies, Cani-Lupus and Vampires are all demonics. Warlocks are the children of humans and demons, the higher the rank of the demon parent the more abilities the warlock will have. Fairies are said to be the offspring of angels and demons being immortal and not being raised by anyone but fairies the parent's of the fare folk has never been divined.
Cani-Lupus and vampires have typically been portrayed in different ways throughout literature. There is a difference between the Cani-Lupus and the bread of werewolves although they are cousin in a way werewolves have been directly infected by a demonic disease and change into a wolf like creature on the full moon of each months most of these werewolves are extinct only able to survive a couple of these changes. Cani-lupus are half man half wolf, they phase into their wolf form when a situation calls for it. Vampires on the other hand are creatures of the night how cannot bare the light of day for it burns their flesh to ash, contrary to popular believe vampires have no fear or allergic reactions to garlic in fact it is the name of the lord and many other religious artifacts that cause them the most pain. Thus is how they are believed to be dammed, not a proven fact but obviously has some reasonable doubt to the rumor. It is the job of the Natumeste to rid the earth of all demons and certain demonics that wish to drive the earth into a state of ruin. The family you are about to read of are part of the Natumeste race and have been for many generations.
Demons, Magic and a Tragic Love
Novela JuvenilBit of a mortal instruments- grey wolves mash up but entirely my own work :)