Chapter 11: Family Time

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"I don't think you quite understand Alec, Remus Mastec is Romulus's brother. You're a half a pure blood."

"So I am a half blood?"

"That's one way of looking at it, but the likely hood of you being able to phase is not very high considering the fact that your mother is a Natumeste."

"What does fane think, of you know us being mated?"

"I don't think he minds all too much, he flipped out when he thought they were Sergei's marks but he didn't really care about you. I think he wants me to be happy, and safe, if you do not phase you are less likely to be killed then one who is able to. But then again most Natumeste die young,"

"I doubt the council will accept of me once they find out I am half wolf,"

"I think they would already know, I mean your parents didn't tell you because they thought you would run away to be with your real dad, but that doesn't mean that your parents wouldn't tell the council, I don't think they would even want to risk being considered traitors,"

"Celena? Alec? Are you in there?" Fane's voice drifted through the wooden door.

Celena pressed a finger to Alec's lips telling him to be silent and shook her head. Alec pulled away from her ignoring Celena's silent protest and open the door to allow Fane into the apartment. "Fane what have I told you about coming into this apartment,"

"You said I was only allowed in if someone lets me in," fanes smirks as he sits on the arm of the couch, "and I do believe Alec just allowed me the save passage I desired."

"Why did you desire to come into my apartment," Celena asked, "it better be important,"

"The fairy queen wishes to speak with Alec."

"What would she want with me?"

"It's not just you it's your siblings as well,"

"Just savannah or Luke and jess as well."

"Well unless savannah is one of the fairy kin and has another sister I do believe that she wishes to see Jessica and Luke,"

"Do they know?"

"I doubt it, you know how the fare folk are," fane flopped back against the couch, and looked up at Celena who was glaring down at him. "the messenger said something about significant others, I guessing that means you,"

"You told us the news, now get out,"

"But I'm comfortable,"

"I don't care, now out," she slapped his forehead "out," an again "out," she slapped him a third time and screamed the word, "out,"

"Wow, feisty."

"Out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out," she began jumping up and down and pointing to the door like a five year old,

"Fine I'm going; you have three days before the fairy queen wishes to see you," fane said as he walked out the door

"Good to know," Celena muttered

"How old are you, like 5?" alec chuckled shutting the apartment door

"And a half," she stuck her lip out in a mock pout and folded her arms over her chest.

"Perhaps I should find someone older to date," he sat down on the couch beside Celena laying his arm over the back of the chair

"It's too bad that you're stuck with me," she flipped herself over so that she was straddling Alec she flipped her hair to one side of their bodies so that they were shielded by a curtain of dark brown hair.

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