Chapter 12

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"I dont want to see her," I suddenly wimpered.

I felt betrayed. It seemed everyone was using me. Nikki, Mark, Patty and of course, Eric. Of the lot only Eric seemed trust worthy now simply cause he never pretended to be anything other then what he was.

Eric sighed, " Look you cannot stay here alone and god knows I cannot stay here with you. This place just makes my blood boil."

Looking around I could understand exactly where he was coming from. I too felt quesy sick in my belly as just looking around my home. It did not feel safe anymore. I could clearly recall all that recently happened and in no way those memories was going to disappear anytime soon.

I started to shudder in reaction. The paramedic gave me a pitying look and said, "If you are feeling unwell I could admit you for the night."

I felt ashamed for even considering it. There were plenty of really sick people who needed those beds more then me. So I politely declined. I glanced towards Eric who was looking at me through half mast lids and trying to be brave I said," I will be fine on my own."

All he did was snort his disgust at that. The process seemed to take foreever. I had to stop by the police station to sign some papers tomorrow. I listened to all the inspector and paramedic was telling me with half an ear and then after a bit more bustle they were gone. I barely registered their departure. It was the sudden silence that startled me out of my hellish thoughts. I could not help but relive in my mind all that happened, searching to understand it analysing it for faults that could be my own.

I felt the need to be clean. I slowly stood up and felt dizzy. I stumbled at the blood rush. The pair of hands that gripped me startled me into realising I was not alone.

"Here let me help," said Eric.

I had not realised he was still there. I thought he had followed out with the rest when they were done. I was glad he stayed behind. Seeing him grounded me to the present.

"Thank you," I said while struggling to contain the tears that threatened. I seemed to be a flood gate waiting to burst open.

Eric did not bother to acknowledge me. He simply swept me off my feet took to my bathroom where he pulled away the throw that had been wrapped around me and gasped at the bruises that covered my person

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