Chapter 3

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"Get up you jerk," I said in the rudest tone I could manage.

"Emm..m," Eric mumbled before emitting a slight snore.

I struggled under his arms and legs trying to wiggle out from under him but I only managed to tangle myself in further. Now even my free limbs were caught up only this time by the tangled sheets.

I huffed angrily staring at his peaceful slumbering face annoyed with his persumptuous arrogance...and his nakedness.

I couldn't believe his gal. Mariane was good enough for a fuck but he drew the line at sleeping with her. What a jerk! Then without so much as a by your leave from me he shoves his nakedself into my bed. Well enough of this. I deserved better. I decided then and there to hunt for a new job. This time for real.

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