"Hey Jo! Fetch over that pail will you," shouted Nikki.
"Okay!" I hollared back before rushing off to do as she bid.
"You all right with that," Jace came ambling over his gait slow and sure. I stared at him struck by his grace.
"You move like a cougar Unc Jace!" I had exclaimed suddenly startling out a burst of laughter from Jace.
"I'll take that as a compliment," he said when he was finally sober.
"Oh it was," I immediately assured him aghast to think he had thought otherwise.
"Come on hand it over," Jace said glancing at the pail of water I was clutching.
"No, It's fine. I can manage," I muttered determined to impress him with my strength. I hadn't known then that yearning to impress him was the first indication of my rising infatuation with Jace. After that there had been no stopping me. I had been everywhere....whereever Jace had been, I was there.
I became his shadow trailing after him, rushing to help him out when I saw he was in need and then just stalking him. I peered into his windows when I knew he was behind closed doors in his room. I waited for him pacing the corridors till he emerged. I laughed loudly at all his jokes. I blushed a lot over most things he said.
There was nothing good about my infatuation with Jace.The worst thing was Jace knew... he'd always known, right from the start but he never made mention. Not a word did he say or do to make me ever regret having him as my first crush.
Jace had simply let it run its course and boy was it a long course. Stepping out of that state had taken a solid four years. But I managed in the end. After a good long run of tears and endless heartbreak.
But now here I was in his arms. Where I had always taken the slightest opportunity to be in.
"Do you remember when I was crazy over you?" I asked finally needing to bring that out into the open and finally lay it to rest.
"Yes,I do"
"You never ever said anything," I said almost in awe over his restraint over what must have been a pesky bothersome brat to him.
"What was there to say? I loved you for it. You the only person to ever love me for me. Not for my money and not for what I could do for them," Jace said almost bitterly.
I stared at him.
"You should not have stayed away," he continued after the prolonged silence.
"I had to...to get over you," I said simply.
"And have you gotten over me? Is that why you are coming home now?" Jace asked the most provoking question.