Hogwarts express

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So right now I'm waking up at 9 in the morning to get ready to go to the hogwarts express which leaves me lots of time since the train doesn't leave till 11pm. I go downstairs and make myself some waffles, they were SO GOOD! Once I'm done I get myself ready and bring my luggage down to bring to diagon alley. Me and Draco are going to go there ourselves through floo power so we say good up to mom and daddy.

Mom: by baby girl I'm going to miss you so much! Write to us often and don't get into too much trouble! We love you so much!

Me: thanks mom and I'm going to miss you too! I say as I hug her

Daddy: bye Skylar stay with your brother and make me proud and get into slitherin

Me: alright daddy I'm going to miss you! I hug him alwell

Draco picks up my luggage " you ready to leave baby girl?" Draco asks. " yep" I sigh. Once we go through the floo powder we end up in kind cross station. We take out stuff and run through the barrier to reveal a huge train! It's so big! There are people everywhere scurrying around everywhere and it's madness. Draco picks me up and holds me on his hip and holds we tight, he is very protective of me. Draco is so much taller than me that I have to look up at him.  I'm very short for my age. I was thinking so much about hogwarts I didn't even realise we were already seated on the train. I was sitting in dracos lap when a boy enters our cart and he looks about dracos age. 

Blake: hey Draco, who's this cutie?

Draco: this is my baby sister Skylar , this is her first year

Blake: well hi Skylar I'm Blake

Me: hi" I say shyly " hey Draco could I please go walk around?"

Draco: sure just get back to me on time for when the train stops

With that I jump off dracos lap and go wandering down the halls. everyone looks so happy and seems to have lots of friends and I see up ahead a candy trolly! I start running towards is when the train jerks me and I fall inside a compartment on top of a red hair boy.

Ron: are you okay?

Me: oh yeah I'm fine, wait a second your a weasley!

Ron: uh yeah I am and who would you be?

Me:  Skylar Malfoy

Harry: Oh just what we need another Malfoy!

Hermione: your probably just as a pain as Draco!

Me: Ya know if I were you I wouldn't mess with me! I've got serious A game sista!

Harry: whoa sassy 11 year old over here! He laughs 

Me: ya! Got a problem with that Potter?!

Hermione: wow you are as much trouble as Draco!

Me: I try! And with them I give them the classic malfoy smirk

Draco comes behind and and picks me up and holds me close

What the heck are you doing with my baby sister Potter? Draco sneers.

Harry: she's the one sassing us! 

Draco:  good for her! !! With that Draco takes me out of the room and back we go to the room with Blake 

Me: Draco why am I sopposto stay away from them? I mean their horrible and all but why?

Draco: becausethe weasleys are a disgrace to the wizard world, Potter is a show off and Granger is a mudblood and Skylar I want you to stay away from them they are no good you are so much better than them!

With that the train horn goes off and the train comes to a halt and we start getting off. Draco kisses my forehead goodbye because I now have to go with the first years. Draco is really protective over me and it's kinda funny to see him all soft for me because at school he still has his bad boy reputation that he doesn't want to lose but he would never be like that to me. All the first years get to take a boat across the black lake to get to the castle, it was so pretty! Once we got to the castle they start the sorting. After everyone was placed they finally call my name!

Hat: Skylar Malfoy

I run up to the stool and sit in the stool and they place the hat over my head.

Hat: ahhh another Malfoy I see! Much much younger thought I see. You missy are a really prankster, yes! You sure are the sassiest little girl around and I know just where to put you! SLITHERINE!

Everyone cheers and I go sit on the SLITHERINE table next to my brother who has the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen! I'm  soooooo happy I got placed in this house!

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