taken away

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me and eric got home from school and it had been a very long day!!!! I was tired but I decided to explore the streets around here and see what there is to see. I slipped on my white fluffy boots and my neon pick rain jacket and went outside. I was getting kind of hungry so I decided to try this place called starbucks. I ordered a tall hot chocolate and a cake pop, they asked my name and I said " skylar". I went to sit down in a comfy chair but this girl who looked around my age kept staring me. I decided to ignore it and eat up my food but the girl came and sat next to me, weird. this is what she looked like....

http://nd01.jxs.cz/670/058/7386ccc2ae_45154547_o2.jpg ( not sure if this showed up)

hi my name is Melanie, melanie Malfoy and I couldn't help but overhear your name is Skylar?

me; uh yeah that's my name, how come your last name is the same as mine?

melanie; your last name is the same as mine?!

me; uhh.... uhhh I didn't mean to say that, I mean it depends who is asking

this is really bad. really bad. I just accidentaly told her that my last name is Malfoy when I was meant to keep my identiy secret, oh geez.

melanie; well I take it your name is Skylar Malfoy , because I am your cousin from the wizard world, what are you doing here?

me; I'm in hiding from Voldemort so I had to change my identidy.

melanie; ohhhhh so that's why you don't look at all like the Skylar I know, by the way Draco is worried sick about you!

me; how do you know?

melanie; he sent me, he wanted me to go look for you and bring you back, something terrible is happening back at castle .....\

me; what? whats going on, is draco okay?

melanie; I don't know but I know in order for him and everybodys safety you need to come back

me; what about eric? voldemorts son, he was really nice and taking care of me

melanie; better not bring him, it could just cause trouble. come on we have to leave right now!!

we had to take a train back to the wizarding world because we were too young to use magic outside of the wizarding world.

me; soooooo how about we ask some questions about ourselves?

melanie; okay, age? mine is 12

me; 11, hobbies?

melanie; drawaing and I also really love playing quiditch

me; cool, I like to tumble and everyone says I'm pretty cheeky and sassy

melanie; how about we do something about that hair?

me; yes please!!!!

she waves her wand at my head and my curly brown hair changes to my normal platinum blonde hair.

me; much better

we arrive at the train station in the wizard world and we take another train to Hogwarts which was pretty quick. we arrive at Hogwarts but it doesn't look quite like the old school I used to go to......

all the lights of the castle are out and it doesn't look very welcoming at all. we decide to walk through the air vents over the ceiling to try and see what was going on without having to actually  walk in. we walk through the air vents that leads to the great hall and the whole school is stood up infront on.......snape? where is dumbledor?? everybody looks scared so we listen in.

snape; if anybody knows the wherebouts of Skylar Malfoy, they better come forward. Draco? do you happen to know where your sister is?

draco; no sir I do not know where she is, but wherever is  I hope she is safe


grabs draco and sticks his want into my brothers neck.....

snape; tell me or I wont hesitate to kill you

Skylar MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now