who is my familly

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once the boy named draco returns to me with a tear stained face he puts me on his hip and walks out of the hospital wing. because I hardly know him, I squirm out of his hands and he looks a bit upset by this. we walk to a huge room with lots of people and food. I walk ove to everyone and introduce myself.

me; hi! my name is skylar! I say to 3 older looking kids, one with glasses one with red hair and one is a girl

harry; um...... I already know who you are? draco whats going on?

draco pulls the 3 kids over and talks to them in private, I wonder what they are talking about? well if its about me they are gunna get fudging butts kicked by a little girl! they come back and the boy with glasses introduces himself and his friends.

harry; hi skylar, my name is harry and this is ron and Hermione

me; hi, how do I know you?

harry; um........... I'm your brother


harry; nope, skylar you may not remember but I am for sure your brother


me; I'm really confused? who is my brother?

harry; I am princess come with me

and with that we vanish into thin air and we reappear in a cozy loft sort of place with lots of couches.

ron; okay baby girl we are going to get ready for bed okay? lets go upstairs

we head upstairs as I am on harrys hip, I know I know how short could an 11 year old be? well lets just say I'm around 4 foot and my brother here was muuuuuuuuuuuch taller! I brush my teeth and change into my brothers huge baggy shirt which was a dress on me.  me and my brother snuggle in bed and I fall asleep on his chest as I dream about being a world gymnast..................


hey guys this is the writer! sorry it took me so long to update but now that school is almost done I should be able to post more often. I will try and post every 2 days so keep a look out for my upcoming chaperts

thank you guys so much for ready! I really appreciate it! comment down bellow your thoughts about this chapter and go ahead and message me on my account for any question


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