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So I woke up, brushed my teeth then went to go eat breakfast with Draco and Blake.

Blake: Skylar your in a onesie

Me: so what are you gunna do about that?

He laughs and returns eating as I grab 5 pancakes 3 sausages 10 pieces of bacon 2 eggs and 2 pieces of French toast with a single strawberry( like I gotta be kinda healthy right?). 

Draco: hey maybe you should have some more healthy stuff in there , eh?

Me: who are you? My dietician?

Draco: whatever: he laughs 

I start eating when Patty comes over and sits next to Draco and kisses him on the cheek

Me: whoa whoa whoa! Am I missing something here?

Draco: um....... Skylar me and Patty are dating?

Me: uhhhhhhhhhhh

Patty: Skylar aren't you gunna get fat eating all that food? She snarls 

Me: no I don't get fat, never do never will, I eat whatever I want unlike you who should probably go on a diet right now.

Patty snarls at me and walks away

Draco: that was rude Skylar 

Me: whatever, I hate her

Draco: well from now on you respect her! She is my girlfriend!!! He gets angry at me

He looks pretty angry so he walks away and goes and sits on the other end of the tabl with his friends , hm weird? I decided I'd better get changed and ready for class so I dreaded up to th common room and I ran into Patty...

Patty: hey! Come here brat!

Me: I'm sorry did I say I wanted to speak to you?

Patty: me and your brother are in  love so stay away from him, he is mine!!!!

Me: ew! Jealousy looks awful on you! Never mind, your face always looks like that! I laugh 

Patty: grrrrrrrrr!!!!! You ARE A BRAT!!!!!! Stay away from Draco or I will beat you! Do you hear me?  And if you tell him I said any of this you are dead meat!

Me: nope

Patty slaps me hard in the face and punches me hard in the stomach. I hunch over and hold my stomach throwing up because it hurts so much! She leaves the room and I come out to and we both see Draco....

Patty: ow! Draco! I was just talking to her nicely and she slapped me!

Draco: SKYLAR!!!! How could you? Patty was just trying to be nice to you! 

Me: Draco I .... Patty just hit me!

Draco: you are unbelievable!!!! How could you accuse Patty of this? Clearly you slapped her!!

Me: I don't know what to say Draco, please believe me?

Draco: get out, I can't even look at you

I start crying and walk out of the room and sit in an empty corridor 

Skylar MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now