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hi this is the author here, sorry about the long wait for this new part of the story. I have had lots of homework and exams ;(  but I will try posting more often! would you guys like to know some facts about me? let me know in the comments if you have any questions about me and if I should post some facts about me ;)

love you guys!


I woke up and noticed I was in a dark room. my hands were tied behind my back and there was a rag tied inside my mouth. I tried screaming for draco only nothing came out. I tried wiggling around but an invisible chain shocked me everytime I tried moving. then  a door opened and the dark lord walked in.

me; uh, finally can you untie me? this is hurting me bro!

Voldemort; you want to talk to me like that when I could instantly just kill you?

me; well why don't you just kill me already?

Voldemort; well I have a different killing in mind this time, I think I will kill you right infront of all your friends and your brother!

me; no! please not in front of my brother! kill me now, hurt me now please just not infront of everyone! I scream and cry

all of a sudden a whisk of black wind takes me right into the front entrance of Hogwarts. the death eaters have there wand all around me making me walk forward right into the doors. as soon as I step inside everyone gasps. they just stand there in shock and suddenly my brother shows up and has a face of terror on his face.

draco; skylar!

me ; DRACO! I cream and start crying

Voldemort; shut up worthless little girl!

I cry and Voldemort puts a knife up to my neck. he cuts a little slit and I scream in pain, and draco face goes white.


Voldemort; she would not be suffering right now if your parents had killed her like I said!

he cuts another slit and I fall to my knees crying in pain.

Voldemort; now there is 2 ways we could do this, either I kill you or you give me soul so I can live iternally.

me; please just kill me know, I get enough hate in this world. everybody always thinks I'm just a mean Malfoy but seriously have you looked at me? I got sassss bro!

Voldemort; well I will have fun killing you then!

he slits my throat all the way and my vision goes black........

I wake up in a white room on a bed? why am I here? where am I? I walk around and I look in a mirror and I look back at myself. who am I? for some reason I have no idea who I am or what I am doing here. suddenly a tall boy with blonde hair comes running in the doors and hugs me!

me; whoa whoa whoa! watch your hands mister! do I know you?

draco; skylar it is me, your brother.

me; sorry, doesn't ring a bell

draco; what do you mean? your my baby sister how could you forget me?

me; I'm sorry I just have no idea

why does this strange boy seem to thinkhe is my brother? some lady walks in a talks to the boy in private and I start to see him cry, I wonder why?


thank you so much for reading!

please let me know in the comments what you would like to know about me ;)

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