Classes and sass

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Once everyone was sorted the head SLITHERINE took us to our common room. Our password is flying pigs. Once we got in Draco showed me to my room and it was so plain! So I decided to jazz it up a bit! With magic I changed my bed sheets to a neon blue a pink with stripes. Then added a fluffy pink rub beside it and some famous quidetch posters on the wall. Wow so much better! By that time it was late to I went to bed...

The next day...

Draco POV: 

So right now I'm about to go wake up Skylar. Skylar is so cute when she's sleeping! I pick up skylar and will all down the steps toward the common room as she wakes up. Skylar is the cutest little girl I have ever seen! With her big blue eyes and her shinny blonde hair. So I carry her down to the great hall to eat some breakfast.

Draco you know I can walk myself right? Skylar says

I know I know but your my baby sister I want to protect you but whatever" I say as I put her down. She is so much shorter than me and pretty much everyone else. She looks like a 7 year old in an 11 year olds body! We walk into the great hall and we go by the griffindor table and Weasley trips Skylar! I'm going to kill him!

Skylar POV

Just as me and Draco were walking into the great hall Weasley trips me and I fall splat on my face! The nerve of that boy! Besides my bloody nose it looks as if Draco is going to kill Weasley! My nose right now is oozing blood all over me! Ahhh it hurts so much!

What the bloody hell was that for Wealey! Draco yells at Weasley.

Potter: awe older brother stick in up for his wittle baby sister! So cute!" He snickers

Me:'shut up Potter your so full of yourself! If you want someone to comliment on how horrible your come-backs are you should go run to your girlfriend! Oh wait, you don't have a girlfriend! " I sass him 

Potter: oh you've done it now Malfoy! And with that he hits me with a spell and I blast backwards and hit a wall with a thud. Next thing I know Malfoy starts beating up Potter and Weasley then the teachers had to separate them. So Draco picks me up and places me on his hip and takes me to my potions class. 

Draco: are you okay baby girl?

Me: yeah I'm fine but it really hurt my nose!

Draco: I know princess, here's your class and remember after this is lunch so don't go wandering.

Me: okay by Draco 

I walk into potions and it looks as if class has already started... Oops....

Snape: miss Malfoy why are you late! 

Me: I'm sorry proffessor but Weasley and potter were beating me up, it won't happen again

Snape: be sure it doesn't. He then walks to the front of the class and tells everyone to turn to page 394 in our books. He then asks us what you get when you mix a frog and a love potion.

Snaps: miss Malfoy would you like to answer?

Me: no not really

Snape: this is no time to be childish miss Malfoy now answer this question! He yells 

Me: well last time I checked I am a child so it seems pretty fine for me to act as one but whatever. I'm guessing if you mix a frog and a love potion you get an " in love frog" am I right?

Snape: miss Malfoy I am done with you now please leave my classroom! He yells at me

Wow he kicks me out of the class and he expects me to feel bad?! I could never me happier! I mean if you reward bad behaviour with kicking them out of class early I should just do that in every class! That way I won't have to go to class anymore! 


Hey guys it's me Leah the author. I'd just like to say I'm going to try and add a new chapter to this story everyday. But that now that I'm starting school again this week and I also have my sports afterschool it's going to be harder but hopefully I will still be able to keep writing everyday!😝

Thank you everyone who have been reading my story!

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