Chapter 4: Do Me A Favor

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A/N: For a few chapters, we're going to be looking in Eunjin's POV for a while~ ^^
Also, one question, do you guys wanna be Eunjin? Or do you want her to be an original character?

When I say do you wanna be Eunjin, it means, like the ones in my other book when you get to choose choices for example (your choice of drink) or something like that.

But you're still stuck with the name Eunjin ^^

Anyways, enjoy~
•Eunjin's POV•

"Eunjin!" Jimin shouted, his arms wrapped around my waist.

So warm...I've never hugged anyone other than my parents.

Just when I thought hugging him was pleasant, I still realized he's human.

Humans are nothing but cruel, heartless...they tell lies all the time.

So I can't trust him...Why did I even come back for him?

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I shrieked and pushed him off me with all might which sent him landing on the sand with a loud thud.

"A-ah...Eunjin-ah, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to-"

"NO! Stay away from me.." I scooted away from him and stood up before dusting the sand off me.

"Eunjin...I didn't mean to, I swear! I just got so scared. It's pretty cowardly of me but I couldn't help but hug someone to feel safe. Sorry.." He uttered, lowering his head.

I took a deep breath and threw the spare coat at him.

"Okay, look. I have a personal space bubble around me. I ask of you to please don't pop it." I replied while I did a circle with my two index fingers.

"Personal space bubble? Shouldn't it be a forcefield? Anyway, what is this coat for?" He asked as he held the coat up.

"I can call it whatever I want and that coat...I figured you might get cold at this time so I bought you a spare coat.."

"Thanks. That's sweet of you." He flashed me a soft smile before slipping on the coat.

"Y-yeah..." I nodded at his words.

"You know, when someone says 'thank you' you reply with a 'you're welcome'." He chuckled.

"I-I know that! I-it's just's been a long time since a human thanked me." I stuttered out.

"A human? So Mickey says thank you too?" He asked as he tilted his head.

"Of course she does.." I answered.

"Anyway, aren't you gonna go back home?"

"Go home? Why do you think I came back here for you then?" I folded my arms and pouted.

"Huh? Oh, weren't just going to give me a coat for the cold night?" He cocked his head to one side.

"You're more idiotic than I am. That's not exactly why I came back for you but if that's what you want to think, I'll get going." I turned my back to him before walking towards my house.

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