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Chase panted as he ran as fast as he could around the house, trying to find a hiding place where Marcus wouldn't find him.

You see Chase and Marcus were dating for like a year but their ended up breaking up 6 months ago just because there family having a fuel/war think. Currently Adam, bree, Leo and Mr Devenport were lock in some cage where there boinc powers were not working in. Chase the youngest Devenport couldn't get court as he was the last one left as he ran as fast as he could which wasn't that fast as he didn't have that ability.

Chase sighed as he quickly hides under the table and tried to steady his breathe. Marcus walked into the room and grins, "Chasey! I know your in here!". Marcus new chase hated that name. Chase jumped slightly as Marcus turns away and Chase stands up about to make a run for it before Marcus turns quickly and blusted his power, making Chase fall to the grown and beening knock out cold.

Marcus chuckles, "Poor little Chasey", Marcus says and walks over picking Chase up gently and taking him to the basement. The Basement was were Marcus and his father, Dougla's lab was. Marcus laughs evily as he entered the lab, "Got Chase! It was easy as pie", Marcus says putting Chase in a separate cage to bree, Adam and Mr Davenport. Douglas grins, "Nice work, my son", Douglas says locking the cage. Adam frowns, "Hey! How comes you dragged me but you held Chase so carefully?!", Adam asks frowning. Marcus looks at Adam, "Why don't you work it out brainyach, oh yeah I forgot Chase got all the brain cells!", Marcus says frowning.
Marcus goes to his Dad and beings trying to work.

A couple off hours later, Chase started to slowly wake up and slowly sits up in the cage he was in, "Ah..My head", Chase says instantly his hand reaching to his head. Marcus grins and walks over to Chase's cage, "Finally woke up Chasey". Chase frowns, "Don't call me that Marcus!", Chase says frowning as he stood up. Chase looked around seeing his family and then looked at Marcus. Marcus hums, "You wasn't complaining about me calling you Chasey 6 months ago". Chase frowns a tiny hint off blush going onto his face. Marcus grins, "I'd love to let you go Chasey..But you see we can't let you go because you"ll help your family...". Chase looked down and then back up Marcus, "I will get out off this and you will be sorry Marcus!". Marcus smirks, "Your cute when your mad", Marcus says winking making Chase blush again. Marcus Dad hums, "Marus lets go..". Marcus nodded and left the basement with his Dad.

Chase sighed and looked at his family, "What now?". Mr Davenport thinks, "You need to sweet talk Marcus". Chase thinks, "What No?!". Bree nodded, "Yeah his totally into you even if your not into him", Bree says. Adam hums, "Just flirt with him, like you would with a girl..actually have you either even flirted with a girl?", Adam asks confused. Chase hums, "Off course I have...Maybe", Chase says, he had flirted before but it doesn't use go well. Chase sighed, "I'm not flirting with Marcus..I'll work something else out", Chase said and sat on the floor as he tried to get some rest and think off a plan.

(Will Chase find away out and get his family out and will Chase take revenge on Marcus?.)

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