Dream/Dentention/I'm sorrys?!?!

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Third P.O.V

Bree watches Chase walk off and shakes her head, "You know what, I'm not apologing because I don't care if something happens..I'm not saving him if he gets capture by Marcus again...", Bree says walking to class. Adam bites his lip, looking at Leo, "Bree would expect Chase to go safe her if she got caught", Leo says quitely. Adam nodded in agreement, "Maybe we shouldn't get involved?", Adam asks. Leo nodded, "I agree". Leo and Adam go to there class. Chase sits in class trying to concentrate but his mind kept drifting off.

Chase smiles as him and Marcus walk hand in hand through the park as they came across a pininc that had Marcus had made up. Chase and Marcus walk over to the picnic, "Wow. Its beautiful Marcus", Chase says softly. Marcus smiles, "I'm glad you like it...Its beautiful for a beautiful boy", Marcus says and sits down with Chase. Marcus smiles and takes a grape and smiles as he feeds Chase the grape. Chase giggled as he ate the grape that Marcus gave him and then instantly blushed. Marcus grins, "Your cute when you blush", Marcus says. Chase blushed more, "Your cute when you blush". Marcus laughs, "I don't blush", Marcus says. Chase laughs, "I know you do", Chase says. Marcus wanted to change the subject so Marcus stays tickling Chase. Chase gasps and starts laughing, "Marcus...stop", Chase laughs. Marcus smiles and stops, "Chase...".

Chase starts to wake up. "Chase?", The teacher says. Chase rubs his eyes and then looked up at the teacher. "You have detention for sleeping in my class", The teacher says. Chase sighed and he looked around to see everyone had just left for lunch. Chase sighed, "Can I go now?", Chase asks. The teacher nodded. Chase got up and left the room. Chase walks into the lunch hall seeing Bree, Adam and Leo. Chase sighed and walked over to an empty table and sat down. Adam frowns and got up, "I'll be back", Adam says walking over to Chase. "Your not sitting with us?", Adam asks. Chase sighed and shakes his head, "It will probably end up being really awarked or turn into an aggrument", Chase says. "Never know inless you try", Adam says. Chase nodded, "Ture", Chase says and smiles, getting up and going over to the table where Bree and Leo were and sat down with Adam. Chase sat there awarkedly and quite and eat his lunch quitely. The rest off the school day went quick.

Soon Chase was sitting in dentition as he stare into space until the door open and Marcus walked in. Marcus walks over to Chase, "Mind if I sit here?", Marcus asks. Chase shrugs, "Sit if you want", Chase says. Marcus sat down, "Why you get Dention, though you was a goody to shoes", Marcus says with a grin. The teacher frowns, "Be quite". Chase shrugs, "I fell asleep in class and I am not a goody two shoes", Chase says quitely, missing out the part where he dreamed about Marcus. Marcus nodded, "You are so a goody to shoes", Marcus says. Chase shakes his head, "If I was a goody two shoes, I wouldn't be here in detention", Chase says. Marcus hums and then nodded, "That's ture..", Marcus says. "I heard you and Bree had an aggrument", Marcus says. Chase looked at Marcus, "How do you know about that?", Chase asks. Marcus shrugs, "Load off people do...", Marcus says softly. "Oh..", Chase says and looked out the window. Marcus looked at Chase, "You know, talking about it, might help", Marcus says. Chase sighed, "Fine...It was about you", Chase says. "Ohh..", Marcus says and nodded. Chase nodded as he looked at Marcus. "Sorry...", Marcus says. Chase nodded, "Why you sorry?", Chase asks. "It feels like I'm coming in between you and your family", Marcus says quitely. Chase shakes his head, "We'll be fine..In a couple off days", Chase says. The teacher frowns, "Right thats it..You two have detention tomorrow aswell", The teacher says. Marcus frowns deeply. Chase sighed as he and Marcus stay quite now.

After detention, Chase and Marcus walk out off the school, "I'd walk you home but I don't want to cause more problems", Marcus says softly. Chase nodded, "I can say it wouldn't cause problems..", Chase says softly. Marcus nodded and sighed, "I want to walk you home anyway", Marcus says as they both start walking to Chase's house. Marcus smiles, "Chase do you trust me?", Marcus asks. Chase bites his lip, "I'm sorry..I don't know", Chase says. Marcus nodded with a sigh, "See you tomorrow", Marcus says. Chase smiles and walks to his door, "See you", Chase says. Marcus smiles and walks off.

Chase goes inside the house and them goes down to the lab to see Bree, Leo, Adam and Mr Davenport there. Mr Davenport shakes his head, "I forbid you not to see Marcus again", Mr Davenport says and walks out the lab. Chase looked at Adam, Bree and Leo, "You told him?". Bree nodded, "I did", Bree says. Chase shakes his head and Crosses his arms, "Why Bree..You wouldn't like if Mr Davenport found out about you and Ethan", Chase says. Bree shrugs, "The difference is Ethan hasn't kidnapped us", Bree says and goes to walk off. Chase sighed, "Wait..Okay you are right...I'm sorry but I control who I like", Chase says admitting that he likes Marcus. Adam and Leo stand there listening alittle shocked. Bree nodded and looked at Chase, "I understand...Nobody can control who they like", Bree says. "I'm sorry", Bree added. "I'm sorry too", Chase says again. Bree smiles and hugs Chase. Chase hugs Bree back. Chase soon pulls back and goes upstairs to have dinner. After dinner Adam, Bree, Leo and Chase watch a movie before Chase goes to his capsule and goes to bed.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx.

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