Like a date?!?!

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Third P.O.V

Marcus sighed as he ended the call and walked to his class room and sat down. Chase didn't look at Marcus once through the lesson, he felt awarked. The bell soon went and Chase stood up, walking quickly out the class room. Marcus quickly follows Chase, "Chase wait?", Marcus called and catched up with Chase. Marcus grabbed Chase's wrist and pulled Chase to turn him around, "Why are you avoiding me?", Marcus asks quitely. Chase shrugs. Marcus frowns, "Please tell me?", Marcus asks. Chase sighed, "I had a nightmare last night", Chase whispers. Marcus nodded, "About?", Marcus asks in a soft and caring vocie. Chase sighed, "About you", Chase whispers. "Me?", Marcus sighed. Chase nodded, "It was dark and...", Chase says quitely but stopped. Marcus nodded, "And?", Marcus asks. Chase sighed, "I was in a cage and you tried to kill me", Chase whispers. Marcus looked down, "I won't do that", Marcus says looking up at Chase, "Do you believe me?", Marcus asks. "I wish I could", Chase whispers. Marcus closed his eyes alittle hurt, "O-okay...Let me prove to you that You can trust me?", Marcus asks, opening his eyes. Chase sighed, "I don't know...", Chase says quitely. Marcus sighed, "Please?", Marcus asks and Chase nodded slowly. Marcus sighed, "I won't do that", Marcus says. "You tried once before", Chase whispers. Marcus felt alittle hurt but he couldn't understand why. Marcus hums, "Let me take you out?", Marcus asks. Chase gets this instance feeling in his tummy and nodded, "O-okay", Chase sturruted. "Now?", Marcus asks. Chase shakes his head, "I can't skip school", Chase says. "My dad would freak out if he found out I skipped school", Chase then added. Marcus nodded, "After school then?", Marcus asks. Chase nodded, "Erm okay..Is this like a date?", Chase asks. Marcus smirks slightly, "Would you want it to be a date?", Marcus Asked Chase who was now blushing. The bell goes, Marcus smiles, "You got saved by the bell", Marcus says. Chase hums, "Well..I'll see you", Chase says walking to class. Marcus goes to his own class.

After school when everyone had already left. Marcus was in the bathroom on the phone again to his Dad and Chase was standing by his locker. Marcus sighed loudly, "Dad, just give me a break", Marcus says. Douglas frowns, "What is taking you so long to get his trust?", Douglas asks. Marcus shrugs, "Dad, I'm hanging out with Chase today", Marcus sighed. Douglas grins, "So you have made progress", Douglas says. Marcus looked in the mirror, "Yeah?", Marcus says. Douglas laughs, "Good boy Marcus, I'll see you later", Douglas says and cuts off. Marcus nodded, "Bye", Marcus says yet to notice that someone had been listening to his conversation. Marcus leaves the bathroom and goes to Chase. Leo walks out the stool once Marcus has gone with a pure shocked face not that Marcus was bad but for the fact that him and Chase are going to hang out. Leo frowns he can't let Chase go with Marcus. Leo runs off fast to find Adam and Bree to tell them.


Hey guys, sorry about the short chapter, hope you enjoyed the chapter xx.

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